SQL trigger per Order no..

  • i all

    i have the below trigger, which sends an email when an order is released for picking. that works fine.

    the problem is it sends an email for every line that is on the order,(eg if an order has 5 items it has 5 lines) i only want 1 email per order no.

    how could i go about this?

    USE [CompanyT]


    /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[QC_email] Script Date: 06/03/2010 09:50:28 ******/







    declare @msg VARCHAR(MAX)

    declare @CUSTOMER char (7)

    declare @SalesOrder char (6)


    SET @SalesOrder = (SELECT SALES_ORDER FROM inserted)

    SELECT @msg = ISNULL(@msg+CHAR(10),'')

    + 'Picknote has been created for QC assigned Customer"' + CUSTOMER

    +'" the order No is "' +SALES_ORDER+'" Please arrange to check the order before it has despatched!'

    FROM Inserted

    if @CUSTOMER in('MA102','WY111','MA102','CA016','FO021','CO079','BE032','PL003','ST101','PL014','CO301','BA033'




    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = 'email@address.com;',

    @subject = 'QC ALERT - ORDER BEING PICKED',

    @body = @msg

  • hmm, i cant do this can i? unless i update after the first email?

  • you can do one thing

    1. create a intermediate table

    2. insert

    SELECT @msg = ISNULL(@msg+CHAR(10),'')

    + 'Picknote has been created for QC assigned Customer"' + CUSTOMER

    +'" the order No is "' +SALES_ORDER+'" Please arrange to check the order before it has despatched!'

    FROM Inserted

    with the help of existing DML INSERT into intermediate table.

    and create new DML INSERT trigger on this new table which will fire mail on every insert. here you can handle that duplicacy

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • i have free fields on the table in question, i think i will simply run with that,

    thanks for advice tho!

  • I appears that your table [dbo].[PICK_RELEASED_ORDERS] contain one row per line item, rather than one row per order -- is that correct? Also, it appears then that the code that drops the rows into that table drops them one at a time (rather than in a batch insert, as in the following: select * into [dbo].[PICK_RELEASED_ORDERS] from [dbo].[someothertable]

    A trigger gets fired once per 'batch'. The 'pseudo table' INSERTED then contains one row for each row inserted in the batch. If what I suspect (above) is true, then the trigger is getting fired multiple (5) times, once for each row inserted; hence, it is sending 5 emails.

    Does that help clarify at all?

    Rob Schripsema
    Propack, Inc.

  • hi Rob

    yea thats whats happening it seems,

    i thought maybe it was being updated as a batch first of all as well but again as you say its done line by line

    would be no big deal only the 3rd party who support our ERP system do not like tables etc geting updated with userdefined data, and im still the new guy 🙁

  • malachyrafferty (6/3/2010)

    as you say its done line by line

    DML triggers work on per line basis

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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