sql trigger - if value equals a certain value then insert value in another table with same value

  • I am quite new at these SQL Triggers so I am not sure how to approach this concept.
    Here is the logic:
    On  an opportunity there is a stage, when the stage is inserted or changed,  the same value must be inserted into another column in a table.
    Table 1  has two columns, which are:  OppStage_id and OppStage desc
    The Opportunity table has multiple columns however i just want the value in the stage column to be put into the oppstage_desc column in Table 1
    I am not sure how to do this as some forums say why do i want to store the data twice instead of just using a join:
    Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

  • It sounds as though you've got this back to front.
    Normally Table1 would be a look up of Opportunity Stages, with OppStage_Id & OppStage_Desc.
    When you create or update an Opportunity, you would save the OppStage_Id for the selected Stage from Table1, into the Opportunity table.
    Then when displaying the Opportunity, you would join to Table1 on OppStage_Id, & display the matching OppStage_Desc.

    On the other hand, if you are really going to create a list in Table1 of all Stages input while inserting/updating Opportunities, you could use a trigger.  Is that what you really want to do?

  • Here is my trigger: With actual table names (above was only an example of logic)

    ON [dbo].[AMGR_Opportunity_Tbl]
    after insert, update

    set @STAGE = (SELECT b.Stage from INSERTED i inner join Opp_View B on i.Opp_Id = b.Opp_Id where i.Opp_Id = b.Opp_Id)

    if @STAGE IN ('not started','Initial comm','Needs assessment','Proposal submission','closing phase','Commitment to buy','sale won')
      INSERT INTO O_Stage
      SELECT i.Opp_id, 0, b.Stage FROM INSERTED i
      inner join opp_view B on i.Opp_Id = b.Opp_Id
       where i.Opp_Type = '0' and i.Opp_Id = b.Opp_Id


    The results are as follows:

      When i insert an opportunity, both fields have the same value. Which is good
      I find that if i try insert another opportunity, for the same entry - it doesnt change the valye in table 2 for example:
      if i do a select * from O_stage - it only shows the first inserted record:
      Client_Id | O_Stage
      181004250828540240011O | Initial Comm

    I need it to check if the record exists and if so Update the Stage, however if it doesnt exist (new Entry) it must insert.. The logic seems simple by doing a If Exists then update otherwise insert however i do not know how to write the syntax..

    The stages are already defined in both the opportunity and the O_stage table.. Is this the wrong way to accomplish the goal? Should i leave the O_stage table blank so that when the trigger executes, it inserts the values?

  • i Basically need to check to see if a value already exists and if it does, then delete old value and insert new value

  • I don't understand why you need to do this.

    If the value in O_Stage is the same as in Opportunity, why do you need to store it in O_Stage?

    You can just get it from Opportunity, can't you?

  • I can however i need to do this in order to log actions when the stage in O_Stage changes.. As the actions are not noted when the stage in the opportunity changes

  • Why don't you log it when it changes in Opportunity?

  • the system is not designed to do that so i have to go this route.. I didnt not write the source code

  • OK.  I'm not sure it's a good idea, but try this:

    ON [dbo].[AMGR_Opportunity_Tbl]
    after insert, update


    IF @STAGE IN ('not started','Initial comm','Needs assessment','Proposal submission','closing phase','Commitment to buy','sale won')
        IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM O_Stage S INNER JOIN INSERTED i ON S.Client_id = i.Opp_id)
            -- Insert O_Stage
            INSERT INTO O_Stage
            SELECT i.Opp_id, 0, @STAGE
            FROM INSERTED i
            WHERE i.Opp_Type = '0'
            -- Update O_Stage
            UPDATE O_Stage
            SET O_Stage = @STAGE
            FROM INSERTED i
            WHERE i.Opp_Type = '0'
            AND Client_id = i.opp_id

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