SQL to change all CAPS to Caps

  • Does anyone have the SQL code to change the contents of a table from all 'CAPS' to 'Caps'. First letter capital, then the rest of the word in lowercase.


  • How many rows in how many columns in how many tables are you talking about?

    If only a few rows in a few columns, I would UPDATE everything to all lower case, and then UPDATE it to Propercase.

    Why is the front-end not handling this? This is part of the job of the front-end.

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • oops

    I forgot to include the code:

    SELECT UPPER(LEFT(<ColumnName>, 1)) + LOWER(RIGHT(<ColumnName>,LEN(<ColumnName>)-1))

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • declare @table table(name varchar(10))

    insert into @table

    select 'CAPS'

    select * from @table

    update @table

    set name = upper(SUBSTRING(name,1, 1)) + lower(SUBSTRING(name,2,len(name)))

    select * from @table

    something like this? or have i over complicated things?

  • The table is a list of all US Cities, and the person who created the table used all CAPS.


  • there are several script contributions of functions you can grab; look for "Propercase" in the scripts section;

    that way you get "Raccoon City" instead of "Raccoon city" for multi-word locations.

    here's one I have saved in my snippets, you would just do something like this:

    UPDATE tbCity

    Set CityName = dbo.Propercase(CityName)

    the tally code:

    CREATE FUNCTION ProperCase(@OriginalText VARCHAR(8000))



    DECLARE @CleanedText VARCHAR(8000)


    a1 as (select 1 as N union all select 1 union all

    select 1 union all select 1 union all

    select 1 union all select 1 union all

    select 1 union all select 1 union all

    select 1 union all select 1),

    a2 as (select 1 as N from a1 as a cross join a1 as b),

    a3 as (select 1 as N from a2 as a cross join a2 as b),

    a4 as (select 1 as N from a3 as a cross join a2 as b),

    Tally as (select top (len(@OriginalText)) row_number() over (order by N) as N from a4)

    SELECT @CleanedText = ISNULL(@CleanedText,'') +

    --first char is always capitalized?

    CASE WHEN Tally.N = 1 THEN UPPER(SUBSTRING(@OriginalText,Tally.N,1))

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@OriginalText,Tally.N -1,1) = ' ' THEN UPPER(SUBSTRING(@OriginalText,Tally.N,1))

    ELSE LOWER(SUBSTRING(@OriginalText,Tally.N,1))


    FROM dbo.Tally WHERE Tally.N <= LEN(@OriginalText)

    RETURN @CleanedText



    select dbo.ProperCase('WHAT THE HECK IS GOIN ON AROUND HERE;')


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Worked great!


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