SQL stored procedure call error - The index 1 is out of range

  • New to SQL and trying to insert 3 fields into an SQL table using a stored procedure call in groovy and getting "index 1 is out of range error" Can someone please help me understand this error. I'm probably not setting up the Stored Procedure call properly or something. Thanks in advance.

    SQL table:

      guidField uniqueidentifier,
      strField varchar(50),
      dateField smalldatetime

    Stored procedure:

      ALTER PROC [dbo].[pCreate_TestRec]
      @guidField uniqueidentifier,
      @strField varchar(50),
      @dateField smalldatetime
      INSERT INTO dbo.tblTest(guidField, strField, dateField)
      VALUES (@guidField, @strField, @dateField)

    Code block:
      long lTimeStamp = d.getTime();
      UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
      sql.call("{call pCreate_TestRec(guidField,strField,dateField)}", [uuid,
      'test', lTimeStamp] );

    Returns the following exception:
    WARNING: Failed to execute: {call pCreate_TestRec(guidField,strField,dateField)} because: The index 1 is out of range.
    Caught: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The index 1 is out of range.
    com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The index 1 is out of range.

  • Hi - Have you still got a problem with this?

    I ran it & it worked OK, as it stands:

    USE [tempdb];

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.tblTest;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.tblTest
    guidField uniqueidentifier,
    strField varchar(50),
    dateField smalldatetime

    DECLARE @guidField uniqueidentifier = NEWID();
    DECLARE @strField varchar(50) = 'TestString';
    DECLARE @dateField smalldatetime = CAST(GETDATE() as SmallDateTime);

    EXEC [dbo].[pCreate_TestRec] @guidField, @strField, @dateField;

    SELECT * FROM dbo.tblTest;

    --Stored procedure:

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[pCreate_TestRec]
    @guidField uniqueidentifier,
    @strField varchar(50),
    @dateField smalldatetime
        INSERT INTO dbo.tblTest(guidField, strField, dateField)
        VALUES (@guidField, @strField, @dateField);

    Note that SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope.  There is no identity column here, so it returns NULL.

    Also, the error message refers to an index but we have no index details given.

    So I'd suggest -
    Try running it in SQL Server Management Studio & see if it works.  If so, the issue is probably in the calling application (code block).

    If it doesn't work, you can post details of any indexes on the table & also some examples of the data being passed to the procedure when the error occurs.

  • if you change you call code to be

    long lTimeStamp = d.getTime();
    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
    sql.call("{call pCreate_TestRec(?,?,?)}", [uuid, 'test', lTimeStamp] );

    does it work?

  • Thanks for your posts. I actually figured it out. The first parameter had to be converted to a string in order for it to be excepted.

    def t = sql.call("{call pCreate_TestRec(?,?,?)}", [UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "Test", new Date().getDate()] );

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