sql statement

  • Hi,

    I have a Table1 like as follows


    I need to store Table1 data into Table2 as follows


    Is there any easy way to do this? Thanks.


  • I'm sure I have oversimplified this but given the sample data, this should get you started...

    insert into Table2

    select Col1, Col2, substring(Col3, 1, 2), substring(Col3, 4, 2), substring(Col3, 7, 2), substring(Col3, 10, 2), substring(Col3, 13, 2) from Table1

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thanks for your response, but cc/dd/ee/ff/gg may not in standard length in other words it can be ccc/dddddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeee/fffffffff/gg, so substring doesn't work.

  • will there be only 4 "/" or can be more?

  • Try this ...

    -- clean up : DO NOT RUN ON PRODUCTION DB : tables will be dropped !!

    if db_name() = 'tempdb'


     declare @object_id int

     set @object_id =  object_id('dbo.fn_colsplit')

     if @object_id is not null drop function dbo.fn_colsplit

     set @object_id =  object_id('dbo.Table1')

     exec sp_MSdrop_object @object_id

     set @object_id =  object_id('dbo.Table2')

     exec sp_MSdrop_object @object_id



    -- create a function that splits the col3 into 5 columns

    create function dbo.fn_colsplit


     @col3 varchar(255)


    returns @result table ( ColD varchar(255),ColE varchar(255),ColF varchar(255),ColG varchar(255),ColH varchar(255) )



     declare @ColD varchar(255),@ColE varchar(255),@ColF varchar(255),@ColG varchar(255),@ColH varchar(255)


     select @ColD = left(@col3,charindex('/',@col3)-1),

      @ColE = substring(@col3+'/',len(@ColD)                                 +2,charindex('/',@col3+'/',len(@ColD)                                 +2)-len(@ColD)                                 -2),

      @ColF = substring(@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)                      +3,charindex('/',@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)                      +3)-len(@ColD)-len(@ColE)                      -3),

      @ColG = substring(@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)+len(@ColF)           +4,charindex('/',@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)+len(@ColF)           +4)-len(@ColD)-len(@ColE)-len(@ColF)           -4),

      @ColH = substring(@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)+len(@ColF)+len(@ColG)+5,charindex('/',@col3+'/',len(@ColD)+len(@ColE)+len(@ColF)+len(@ColG)+5)-len(@ColD)-len(@ColE)-len(@ColF)-len(@ColG)-5)


     insert @result values ( @ColD , @cole , @ColF , @ColG , @ColH )




    -- test Table 1

    create table dbo.Table1


     Col1 varchar(255),

     col2 varchar(255),

     col3 varchar(255)



    insert Table1 values ( 'aaa','bbb','cc/dd/ee/ff/gg' )

    insert Table1 values ( 'aaa','ccc','hh/rr/tt/ss/yy' )

    insert Table1 values ( 'aaa','ddd','1/22/333/4444/55555' )


    -- test Result Table 2

    create table Table2


     colA varchar(255),

     ColB varchar(255),

     ColC varchar(255),

     ColD varchar(255),

     ColE varchar(255),

     ColF varchar(255),

     ColG varchar(255)



    -- transform Table1 to Table2

    declare @Col1 varchar(255),@col2 varchar(255),@col3  varchar(255)

    declare tst cursor local for select * from Table1

    open tst

    goto next_tst

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     insert Table2

     select colA = @Col1,

      ColB = @col2,

      ColC = F.ColD,

      ColD = F.ColE,

      ColD = F.ColF,

      ColF = F.ColG,

      ColG = F.ColH

     from dbo.fn_colsplit(@col3) F

     next_tst: fetch tst into @Col1,@col2,@col3


    close tst

    deallocate tst


    -- show Rsults

    select * from Table2


  • SUBSTRING will work, but it will be more complicated, and will need CHARINDEX to calculate length. For the first 2 columns (C and D) it could be like that:

    CREATE TABLE #tbl1(col1 varchar(20), col2 varchar(20), col3 varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #tbl2(colA varchar(20), colB varchar(20), colC varchar(20),

    colD varchar(20), colE varchar(20),colF varchar(20), colG varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #tbl1

    SELECT 'aaa','bbb','cc/dd/ee/ff/gg'


    SELECT 'aaa','ccc','ccc/dddddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeee/fffffffff/gg'

    INSERT INTO #tbl2 (colA,colB,colC,colD)

    SELECT col1, col2, col3,

    SUBSTRING( col3,



    SUBSTRING( col3,


      CHARINDEX('/', SUBSTRING(col3,CHARINDEX('/',col3)+1,LEN(col3)))-1)

    FROM #tbl1

    Then it begins to be too complicated, so it would probably be better to write a parsing UDF and call it recursively (unfortunately I can't go on - got some work that has to be done right now - but I'm sure someone will be able to give you advice).

  • Here's one method (which doesn't use a UDF) - just run it to see...


    declare @t1 table (Col1 varchar(20), col2 varchar(20), col3 varchar(200))

    insert @t1

              select 'aaa', 'bbb', 'cc/dd/ee/ff/gg'

    union all select 'aaa', 'ccc', 'hh/rr/tt/ss/yy'

    union all select 'aaa', 'ddd', 'ccc/dddddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeee/fffffffff/gg'

    declare @t2 table (colA varchar(20), ColB varchar(20), ColC varchar(20), ColD varchar(20), ColE varchar(20), ColF varchar(20), ColG varchar(20))


    insert into @t2 (colA, colB) select Col1, col2 from @t1

    declare @i1 int

    declare @i2 int

    declare @i3 int

    declare @i4 int

    update t2

    set @i1  = charindex('/', t1.col3),

        colc = left(t1.col3, @i1-1),

        @i2  = charindex('/', t1.col3, @i1+1),

        cold = substring(t1.col3, @i1+1, @i2-@i1-1),

        @i3  = charindex('/', t1.col3, @i2+1),

        cole = substring(t1.col3, @i2+1, @i3-@i2-1),

        @i4  = charindex('/', t1.col3, @i3+1),

        colf = substring(t1.col3, @i3+1, @i4-@i3-1),

        colg = substring(t1.col3, @i4+1, 200)

    from @t2 t2

        inner join @t1 t1 on t2.ColA = t1.Col1 and t2.ColB = t1.Col2


    select * from @t2

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Looks nice, Ryan... that's about what I hoped to get together, but it is a lot easier than I thought it would be when written in a direct statement (without UDF). I didn't realize that I can use variables this way in an update statement.

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