SQL SP Version Control?

  • Any tool for versioning of SQL2000. (other than SQL source Control 2003)

    Edited by - faisy on 01/21/2003 12:10:51 AM

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I use VSS - There has been plenty of discussions on this. Take a look at Steve Jones articles on this or use the search above type VSS and hit enter.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • My apologies if your looking for a tool specific to SQL 2K. But just the same the articles in here should work even if your beta testing Yukon.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • Thanks to you all that now I've some good 😉 ideas to test according to our requirements.


    We were using ER Studio, saving our model in Visual Source Safe each time that we made modifications.

    However, due to an issue we were having with ER Studio (some sort of corruptions to our model), we have temporarily abandoned this

  • Have you had a look at mssqlXpress


  • I use an ActiveX script to script and save all SQL objects. It uses SQL DMO script method. It is run from a job that runs nightly. The I check all the scripts into Source Safe every few days. If you don't want to use Source Safe then you could just save all the scripts.

  • Karen, I took what you did one step further, and automated the check in to VSS with scripting, and a DLL that I wrote that automates VSS. Also there is the freeware on this site as well :

    Bill Wunder's DDL Archive Utility


    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    One Windows to rule them all, One Windows to find them,

    One Windows to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

    In the Land of Microsoft where the Shadows lie.

    Tim C //Will code for food

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