SQL Session is stuck at Runnable State - SQL Text INSERT Command

  • Normally the process finishes in couple of minutes. But this is taking forever. I cant figure out what is causing this to stuck.

    <?query --



    , JSID

    , DESCR





    , RESACTN1

    , RESACTN2

    , RESACTN3

    , RESACTN4

    , RESACTN5

    , RESACTN6

    , RESID1

    , RESID2

    , RESID3

    , RESID4

    , RESID5

    , RESID6

    , RESNMBR1

    , RESNMBR2

    , RESNMBR3

    , RESNMBR4

    , RESNMBR5

    , RESNMBR6

    , RefRowPointer



    , FLAGS



    /* PROCPLANID = */ dbo.ApsRouteId(job.job, job.suffix) --dbo.ApsCurrentRouteId(job.job, job.suffix, ApsRoute.start_date)

    , /* JSID = */ dbo.ApsOperationId(jobroute.job, jobroute.suffix, jobroute.oper_num)

    , /* DESCR = */ jobroute.wc

    , /* NEXTJSID = */ ''

    , /* STEPTIME = */ dbo.ApsStepTime(jobroute.job, jobroute.suffix, jobroute.oper_num, 0)

    , /* STEPTMRL = */


    WHEN job.is_external = 1

    THEN 4

    WHEN jrt_sch.sched_hrs IS NOT NULL AND

    ISNULL(jrt_sch.plannerstep,0) = 0

    THEN 0

    WHEN ISNULL(jrt_sch.plannerstep,0) = 0

    THEN 1

    WHEN jrt_sch.sched_hrs IS NOT NULL

    THEN 2

    ELSE 3


    , /* stepexprl = */


    WHEN job.is_external = 1

    THEN 11

    ELSE ISNULL(jrt_sch.schedsteprule,0)


    , /* RESACTN1 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup1.resactn,'')

    , /* RESACTN2 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup2.resactn,'')

    , /* RESACTN3 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup3.resactn,'')

    , /* RESACTN4 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup4.resactn,'')

    , /* RESACTN5 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup5.resactn,'')

    , /* RESACTN6 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup6.resactn,'')

    , /* RESID1 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup1.rgid,'')

    , /* RESID2 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup2.rgid,'')

    , /* RESID3 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup3.rgid,'')

    , /* RESID4 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup4.rgid,'')

    , /* RESID5 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup5.rgid,'')

    , /* RESID6 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup6.rgid,'')

    , /* RESNMBR1 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup1.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RESNMBR2 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup2.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RESNMBR3 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup3.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RESNMBR4 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup4.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RESNMBR5 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup5.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RESNMBR6 = */ ISNULL(jrtresourcegroup6.qty_resources,'')

    , /* RefRowPointer = */ jobroute.rowpointer

    , /* EFFDATE = */ CASE

    WHEN job.type = 'S'

    THEN dbo.MidnightOf(ISNULL (jobroute.effect_date, dbo.lowdate()))

    ELSE dbo.MidnightOf(dbo.lowdate())


    , /* OBSDATE = */ CASE

    WHEN job.type = 'S'

    THEN dbo.MidnightOf (ISNULL (jobroute.obs_date, dbo.highdate()))

    ELSE dbo.MidnightOf(dbo.highdate())


    , CASE

    WHEN jrt_sch.allow_reallocation = 1

    THEN 4

    ELSE 0


    FROM TrackRows with (readuncommitted)

    JOIN jobroute with (readuncommitted) ON jobroute.rowpointer = TrackRows.rowpointer

    JOIN job with (readuncommitted) ON job.job = jobroute.job AND job.suffix = jobroute.suffix

    JOIN @QPHelp qph ON qph.job = job.job AND qph.suffix = job.suffix

    JOIN jrt_sch with (readuncommitted) ON

    jrt_sch.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrt_sch.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrt_sch.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup1 ON

    jrtresourcegroup1.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup1.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup1.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup1.seq = 1

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup2 ON

    jrtresourcegroup2.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup2.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup2.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup2.seq = 2

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup3 ON

    jrtresourcegroup3.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup3.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup3.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup3.seq = 3

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup4 ON

    jrtresourcegroup4.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup4.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup4.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup4.seq = 4

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup5 ON

    jrtresourcegroup5.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup5.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup5.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup5.seq = 5

    LEFT JOIN @jrtresourcegroup as jrtresourcegroup6 ON

    jrtresourcegroup6.job = jobroute.job AND

    jrtresourcegroup6.suffix = jobroute.suffix AND

    jrtresourcegroup6.oper_num = jobroute.oper_num AND

    jrtresourcegroup6.seq = 6


    TrackRows.SessionId = @Partition AND

    TrackRows.TrackedOperType = 'Sync jobroute' AND

    jobroute.complete = 0 AND

    (qph.ApsPlannerNeedsRoute = 1 OR

    qph.ApsSchedulerNeedsJob = 1 OR

    (job.type = 'S' AND job.suffix = 0)




  • First, change all those table variables to temp tables.
    The Query engine assumes that a table variable has one row in it, and builds a plan which assumes that one row.(in SQL2014 and above,t he assumption is 100 rows)
    you can easily get 10 to 100 times better performance just by switching to temp tables in this situation.

    using temp tables instead allows the engine to use statistics form the tempt able to properly estimate the number of rows,and build a better plan.

    see if that addresses the performance thing first.
    the other thing that bothers me is all the ORs in the WHERE statement section; that's going to end up causing table scans; i'd look to change that to use UNION ALL and multiple queries to take advantage of any indexes


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • skb 44459 - Monday, February 20, 2017 5:36 AM

    Normally the process finishes in couple of minutes. But this is taking forever. I cant figure out what is causing this to stuck.

    You would typically want to check waiting tasks when this kind of thing happens to see what the process is hung up on.
    Using Keepfixed plan can have some side effects and it's possible the query plan is no longer optimal - that's one of the risks of using that hint. You may want to look at the query plan and work on some of the changes as Lowell suggested to see if you can't tune the query in general.


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