sql services

  • Hi,

    I would like to know how to run a script (its checking the services as to whether its started or not) on daily basis.

    If sql server agent service is stopped - i cant have this script as an agent job. So thereby how can I run the script as a job independent of sql agent.


  • set your self up a monitoring instance of SQL, use this to run the monitoring.

  • Talk to your sysadmins...they should be able to set up a 'cron' job (or something similar) to do what you are asking.


  • You could setup a vbscript to check if the service is running.... 

    Something like this (for Apache Tomcat):


    strComputer = "."

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & _

     "{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE DisplayName = ""Apache Tomcat""")

    Set objWmiEventSource = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _

     ("SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Service' and TargetInstance.DisplayName = 'Apache Tomcat'")

    For Each objService in colServices

        if (objService.State <> "Running") then

      ans = msgbox("Do you want to start '" & objService.DisplayName & "'",4)

      if (ans = 6) then 'Yes=6


      end if


      ans = msgbox("Do you want to stop '" & objService.DisplayName & "'",4)

      if (ans = 6) then 'Yes=6


      end if

        end if


    if (ans = 6) then 'A change has been requested, let's monitor...


      Set objService = objWmiEventSource.NextEvent

      If objService.TargetInstance.State <> objService.PreviousInstance.State Then

       Wscript.Echo "'" & objService.TargetInstance.DisplayName & "'" & _

       " is " & objService.TargetInstance.State & _

       ". The service previously was " & _

       objService.PreviousInstance.State & "."

       exit do

      End If


    end if

  • Setup an  AT schedule or use windows scheduler to schedule a job external to sql server that checks for presence of sql server service process.

  • Wrote this recently for stopping/starting a service on a remote computer. You can easily adapt this to:

    - check if the SQL Server service is running

    - if not, start it

    Hope this helps.

    ' stops or starts a service on a remote computer;

    Option Explicit

    Dim colArgs

    Dim strOperation

    Dim strServiceName

    Dim strComputerName

    Dim objWMI

    Dim objService

    Dim lngRet

    Dim strState

    Dim intI

    Dim strLogfilename

    Dim objFso

    Dim objLogfile

    On Error Resume Next

    ' get three command line arguments

    ' 1. start/stop keyword

    ' 2. service-name (this must be the name in the registry and not the display name)

    ' 3. computer-name

    ' 4. [optional fully qualified log filename]

    Set colArgs = WScript.Arguments

    If colArgs.Count<3 Then

      WScript.Echo "Wrong number of arguments"

      WScript.Echo "Expecting:"

      WScript.Echo "cscript RemoteServiceManager.vbs start service-name computer-name [logfilename]"

      WScript.Echo "or"

      WScript.Echo "cscript RemoteServiceManager.vbs stop service-name computer-name [logfilename]"

      WScript.Quit 1

    End If

    strOperation = LCase(WScript.Arguments(0))

    strServiceName = WScript.Arguments(1)

    strComputerName = WScript.Arguments(2)

    ' open log file if requested


    If colArgs.Count > 3 Then

      strLogfilename = WScript.Arguments(3)

      Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

      Set objLogfile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strLogfilename, 8, True) ' open for append(8) and create it if doesn't exist(True)

      objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & strOperation & " " & strServiceName & " " & strComputerName

    End If

    ' connect to remote computer

    Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputerName)

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then

      WScript.Echo CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description

      WScript.Echo "Not authorized to access computer " & strComputerName

      If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

        objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description

        objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & "Not authorized to access computer " & strComputerName

      End If


      WScript.Quit 1

    End If

    If strOperation = "stop" Then

      Set objService = objWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")

      lngRet = objService.StopService

      For intI = 1 To 120 ' loop for 2 minutes until we get a 'stopped' state

        Set objService = objWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")

        strState = objService.State

        WScript.Echo "State is " & strState

        If LCase(strState) = "stopped" Then Exit For

        WScript.Sleep 500 ' half a second


      If LCase(strState) <> "stopped" Then

        WScript.Echo "Unable to stop service " & strServiceName & " (" & strState & ")"

        If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

          objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & "Unable to stop service " & strServiceName & " (" & strState & ")"

        End If


        WScript.Quit 1

      End If

    End If

    If strOperation = "start" Then

      Set objService = objWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")

      lngRet = objService.StartService

      For intI = 1 To 120 ' loop for 2 minutes until we get a 'running' state

        Set objService = objWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strServiceName & "'")

        strState = objService.State

        WScript.Echo "State is " & strState

        If LCase(strState) = "running" Then Exit For

        WScript.Sleep 500 ' half a second


      If LCase(strState) <> "running" Then

        WScript.Echo "Unable to start service " & strServiceName & " (" & strState & ")"

        If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

          objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & "Unable to start service " & strServiceName & " (" & strState & ")"

        End If


        WScript.Quit 1

      End If

    End If

    If strOperation <> "start" And strOperation <> "stop" Then

      WScript.Echo "Invalid operation"

      If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

        objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & "Invalid operation"

      End If


      WScript.Quit 1

    End If

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then

      WScript.Echo CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description

      If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

        objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description


        WScript.Quit 1

      End If

    End If

    If Len(strLogfilename) > 0 Then

      objLogfile.WriteLine Ts() & " " & "OK"


    End If

    WScript.Quit 0

    Function Ts()

    Ts = CStr(Year(Now)) & "-" & _

         Mid(CStr(Month(Now)+100), 2) & "-" & _

         Mid(CStr(Day(Now)+100), 2) & " " & _

         Mid(CStr(Hour(Now)+100), 2) & ":" & _

         Mid(CStr(Minute(Now)+100), 2) & ":" & _

         Mid(CStr(Second(Now)+100), 2)

    End Function

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