SQl server2008-split delimited values into three rows

  • Hi,

    Iwould like to have the delimited values in one of the columns in sql server table to be split into three rows.

    ex: Project id Teams Impacted

    5032401 BSS;NOC;Operations;Engineering;Network;Cable

    as below having 3 * 8 blocks

    Project id : Team1 Team2 team 3 Team4 team5 team6 team 7 team 8

    5032401 BSS Engineering

    NOC Network

    Operations Cable

    we have to ingore null values as well.

    Any help regarding this is greatly appreciated. Please suggest at the earliest.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • I would suggest reading Jeff Moden's aticle here on SSC at:


    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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