SQL Server upgrade from 2008 to 2012

  • Hi,

    We are upgrading the sql server 2008 database server to SQL Server 2012.

    For this just restoring DB backups from 2008 server onto 2012 is good enough for the upgrade or do we need to run any upgrade tool like upgrade advisor?

    This upgrade is build a brand new sql server and move 2008 DBs to the new 2012 server , not upgrading the existing server.

    what are the other things to consider as part of the upgrade?


  • You will need to create the logins for the database yourself. I think I saw an article about that on the front page here, today.

    Once the database has been restored, you will want to change the compatibility level to 110, and update the statistics on all of the tables.

    So long as you don't have replication, CDC, or database mirroring/log shipping going on in this database, you should be all set.

  • I have replication and log shipping setup. So I am planning to create them back on new server as in the existing server.


  • Here is a script that you can use to sync your users back. You will have to add them manually to the new instance under Security. Once the DB is restored use this script for your users and the permissions will sync back up as they were. This will save you TONS of time and keep your permissions straight. Good Luck

    sp_change_users_login update_one, username, username

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • Thanks guys for your help.

  • I have one more question. say we restore the DB on new server at 1 PM based on 1 PM full backup from Old Server on Monday and if the old server is still getting the data after the last full back and if I needed to shutdown the old server at 1 PM on Tuesday and make the new server live, how can I transfer the data from 1 PM Monday to 1 PM Tuesday from old server to new server?

    Does the transaction log backups from that time period will help for the cause?



  • I would not recommend switching over while production is going on. This is an at night when people are sleeping change. I would backup the DB, detach it to assure no more transactions, restore, sync users, test application. Or you could do it during the day if you want, but no users can be access the data unless you want to move it asynchronously. 🙂

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • I would agree with the post above.

    But i had to do that.

    We did a full backup on the old server, restored it to the new server and left it in recovery mode. every 6 hours, we copied the log backups over to the new server and applied them. When the old server was finished, final log backup, copy/apply and recover.

    If you are not in full mode with log backups; sql 2008r2 can replicate to sql server 2012.

  • That's another way to do it Joseph. If the DB is in Full Recov Mode then you can do log shipping until they are done with the old server. Replication is always another option if you have the DB in Simple Mode.


    Just remember that if you start switching the mode from full to simple and then back you ruin all backups previously done and have to start the sequence all over again. Good Luck with your move!

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • lkennedy76 (5/15/2014)

    Here is a script that you can use to sync your users back. You will have to add them manually to the new instance under Security. Once the DB is restored use this script for your users and the permissions will sync back up as they were. This will save you TONS of time and keep your permissions straight. Good Luck

    sp_change_users_login update_one, username, username

    You should not be using sp_change_users_login as "This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server." ALTER user userName WITH LOGIN = loginName

    Also, this is not needed of you use sp_help_revlogin to generate the logins, passwords, and sids.

    CE - Microsoft

  • sql_novice_2007 (5/15/2014)


    We are upgrading the sql server 2008 database server to SQL Server 2012.

    For this just restoring DB backups from 2008 server onto 2012 is good enough for the upgrade or do we need to run any upgrade tool like upgrade advisor?

    This upgrade is build a brand new sql server and move 2008 DBs to the new 2012 server , not upgrading the existing server.

    what are the other things to consider as part of the upgrade?


    I would still run the upgrade advisor. We also run an extended event for getting deprecated features. I am working on a blog post about this now:

    USE myMonitoringDatabase;


    --Create the event

    DECLARE @file1 VARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @file2 VARCHAR(128)


    SET @file1 = (SELECT SUBSTRING(physical_name, 1, PATINDEX('%\data\myMonitoringDatabase.mdf', physical_name)) + 'LOG\Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features.xel'

    FROM master.sys.master_files

    WHERE db_name(database_id) = 'myMonitoringDatabase' and file_id = 1)

    SET @file2 = (SELECT SUBSTRING(physical_name, 1, PATINDEX('%\data\myMonitoringDatabase.mdf', physical_name)) + 'LOG\Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features.xem'

    FROM master.sys.master_files

    WHERE db_name(database_id) = 'myMonitoringDatabase' and file_id = 1)

    SET @sql =

    'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions WHERE name=''Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features'')


    ALTER EVENT SESSION Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features ON SERVER


    DROP EVENT session Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features ON SERVER;


    EXEC xp_cmdshell N''del ' + REPLACE(@file1,'.xel', '*') + '''

    CREATE EVENT SESSION Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features ON SERVER

    --We are looking at deprecated features

    ADD EVENT sqlserver.deprecation_announcement


    --Add additional columns to track

    ACTION (sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.session_id,

    sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.username, sqlserver.client_hostname)


    --We are looking at discontinued features

    ADD EVENT sqlserver.deprecation_final_support


    --Add additional columns to track

    ACTION (sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.session_id, sqlserver.tsql_stack))

    --As a best practice use asynchronous file target, reduces overhead.

    ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target(

    SET filename=''' + @file1 + '''

    , metadatafile=''' + @file2 + '''

    , max_file_size = 5

    ,max_rollover_files = 5)



    --Now start the session

    ALTER EVENT SESSION Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features ON SERVER


    --PRINT @sql

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_logDeprecatedFeatures]




    DECLARE @filename1 VARCHAR(255);

    DECLARE @filename2 VARCHAR(255);

    SELECT @filename1 = REPLACE(CAST(esf.value AS VARCHAR(255)), '.xel', '*xel')

    FROM sys.server_event_sessions es

    INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields esf

    ON es.event_session_id = esf.event_session_id

    WHERE es.name = 'Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features'

    AND esf.name = 'filename';

    SELECT @filename2 = REPLACE(CAST(esf.value AS VARCHAR(255)), '.xem', '*xem')

    FROM sys.server_event_sessions es

    INNER JOIN sys.server_event_session_fields esf

    ON es.event_session_id = esf.event_session_id

    WHERE es.name = 'Monitor_Deprecated_Discontinued_features'

    AND esf.name = 'metadatafile';

    CREATE TABLE #temp (EventName NVARCHAR(50), Feature NVARCHAR(500), MessageTxt NVARCHAR(500),

    DatabaseId NVARCHAR(50), SQLText NVARCHAR(500));

    INSERT INTO #temp

    SELECT DISTINCT FinalData.R.value ('@name', 'nvarchar(50)') AS EventName,

    FinalData.R.value ('data(data/value)[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') AS Feature,

    FinalData.R.value ('data(data/value)[2]', 'nvarchar(500)') AS MESSAGE,

    FinalData.R.value ('(action/.)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') AS DatabaseID,

    FinalData.R.value ('(action/.)[2]', 'nvarchar(50)') AS SQLText

    FROM ( SELECT CONVERT(XML, event_data) AS xmldata

    FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(@filename1, @filename2, null, null)) AsyncFileData

    CROSS APPLY xmldata.nodes ('//event') AS FinalData (R)

    WHERE FinalData.R.value ('data(data/value)[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') <> 'Deprecated encryption algorithm'

    INSERT INTO log_deprecatedFeatures

    SELECT t.EventName , t.Feature, t.MessageTxt,

    t.DatabaseId , t.SQLText

    FROM #temp t

    LEFT JOIN log_deprecatedFeatures ldf

    ON t.EventName = ldf.EventName

    AND t.Feature = ldf.Feature

    AND t.MessageTxt = ldf.MessageTxt

    AND t.DatabaseId = ldf.DatabaseId

    AND t.SQLText = ldf.SQLText

    WHERE ldf.EventName IS NULL









    DECLARE @errormessage NVARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @errorseverity INT

    DECLARE @errorstate INT

    SELECT @errormessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),

    @errorseverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),

    @errorstate = ERROR_STATE()

    RAISERROR(@errormessage, @errorseverity, @errorstate)




    You'll also need a table to hold the data above. When you do this "side-by-side" there are several other things you will want to do, migrate jobs, ssis packages, etc. If you need a full checklist for the night of migration, search the internet or ask and I can send you something generic.

    CE - Microsoft

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