SQL Server Table Corruption Error

  • I am new here. Glad to join the community!
    Yesterday I installed SQL Server2012. Tried to open .mdf extension file which was e-mailed to me.
    But the file showing a warning message "SQL Server Table Corruption Error".
    Appreciate any help here!

  • What do you mean my "tried to open"? You don't open a .mdf file, you have to attach it to the Instance. What steps did you take to get the error?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Obesnard - Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:21 AM

    I am new here. Glad to join the community!
    Yesterday I installed SQL Server2012. Tried to open .mdf extension file which was e-mailed to me.
    But the file showing a warning message "SQL Server Table Corruption Error".
    Appreciate any help here!

    Hi and welcome!
    Did you get this error when you tried to attach the database?

  • Yeah.
    I tried to attach the database

  • The .mdf file that was mailed to you...  what version of SQL Server was that from?  If it was from a later version, then you won't be able to attach it to your SQL 2012 instance.

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com

  • Obesnard - Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:32 AM

    I tried to attach the database

    Could you ask to have a backup file instead of the mdf? This is normally better as if the mdf is copied at the source with the server running, it may very likely become corrupt, especially if there is activity on the source system.

    When you have the backup file(s), then you can verify version etc.

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  • It's helpful for you to explain the exact steps or show code, and then the exact error.

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