SQL Server System Report

  • Hi, Joe.

    I just realized that this uses an undocumented feature. I already have one in the script and I try to avoid them like the plague (just in case!). I am going to leave it out of the script and let people to choose whether or not to use it on their own. Sorry about that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    joe.eager (8/28/2013)

    I added in the ability to show errors/failures in the SQL Error Log for the last 24 hours if anyone is interested.

  • Sean Smith-776614 (9/12/2013)

    Hi, Joe.

    I just realized that this uses an undocumented feature. I already have one in the script and I try to avoid them like the plague (just in case!). I am going to leave it out of the script and let people to choose whether or not to use it on their own. Sorry about that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    joe.eager (8/28/2013)

    I added in the ability to show errors/failures in the SQL Error Log for the last 24 hours if anyone is interested.

    Not a problem. Thanks

  • Okay, latest changes are almost done. Still have more ideas but I at least want to get something posted ASAP. Here are the upcoming changes:

    Reformatted the code

    Bug fixes

    Moved the @Recipients and @Copy_Recipients variables to be input parameters

    Renamed input parameters

    Added new input parameters to easily include / exclude various sections of the report:











    Added new sections:

    Server Settings

    First Day Of Week


    Case Sensitive

    Full-Text Installed

    Advanced Options Enabled

    CLR Enabled

    Command Shell Enabled

    Database Mail Enabled

    Default Trace Enabled

    Minimum Memory (MB)

    Maximum Memory (MB)

    Index Fragmentation

    Database Name

    Schema Name

    Object Name

    Column Name

    Index Name


    Index Type




    Alter Index Statement

    Missing Indexes

    Database Name

    Schema Name

    Object Name

    Unique Compiles

    User Seeks

    User Scans

    Avg User Cost

    Avg User Impact

    Overall Impact

    Impact Rank

    Index Column(s)

    Include Column(s)

    Table Column Count

    Index Column Count

    Include Column Count

    Index % Of Columns

    Include % Of Columns

    Total % Of Columns

    Create Index Statement

    Moved one element from Server Instance Property Information section and added new output:

    Process ID

    Logical CPU Count

    Physical CPU Count

    Just need to update the article and post. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and encouragement!


  • New version submitted. Should take a few days for the folks at SSC.com to review / approve and then the new code and details will be live. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • The new version is live! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi Sean, The new version is better than ever!

    I have made a change that I thought would be helpful to me and possibly others as well so I thought I would share it here? I have added the Database Owner for each database to Main Query V and the Job Owner for each job to Main Query VII. I have attached the code changes I made for each section if anyone would like to use it? Just replace the entire section of code with the appropriate attachment. I have tested it on 2005 and 2008R2

  • Oh wow, this is a great idea! I never even thought about it! D'oh!!! Mind if I officially add it to the script?

  • Sure, I am glad you liked the idea!

  • Great! Thanks so much for sharing the idea and code! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sean, This is likely a stupid question,but where is the new code? Is it back on the original post? Thanks.


  • Yes, the original post has been updated with the new code and article. ๐Ÿ™‚



  • Thank you Sean.

  • No problem. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi

    doesnt seem to support mounted volumes, will you be addressing this?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Hi Sean,

    I like your script.

    What about some more instance property information - I mean something like this:


    ,instance_name =


    WHEN SERVERPROPERTY (N'InstanceName') IS NULL THEN 'Default Instance'



    , @@LANGUAGE as [Language]

    , right(substring(@@version,charindex(' - ',@@version)+17,PATINDEX('%Copyright%',@@version)-27-(charindex(' - ',@@version)+17)),3) as [32|64]

    ,(CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(30), Serverproperty('ISIntegratedSecurityOnly')) = 1

    THEN 'Integrated Security '

    WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(30), Serverproperty('ISIntegratedSecurityOnly')) = 0

    THEN 'SQL Server Security '







Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 189 total)

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