SQL Server System Report

  • Fantastic. Hope you enjoy some of the new features of this version. 🙂

  • Hi Sean,

    U have done a fantastic job designing a script which will give entire server report. But , is there any possibility, to save the report to local disk in the form of some html report?

  • There are various methods of saving output to a file. Unfortunately it is too long to go into detail here, but if you Google "SQL Server saving results to a file" you should be able to find some good articles to help you out. I've noted the idea as it is a good one and I will likely add it as an option when I do my next update of the code to allow for saving of the data to HTML, text, CSV, etc.

  • Not sure if this meets your requirement but if you choose the option to send the report by email the recipient can then save it manually.

  • Actually, that is a decent workaround for now. 🙂

  • To Sean Smith,

    Reg: usp_SQL_Server_System_Report

    First off, Thank you for this script. It has made my life a lot easier.

    I was woundering if you would be able to modify the script to use mounting points for the disk drive info? I am not the greatest tSql developer and I have had the hardest time trying to modify your script. I have tried to modify it using the following code as a starting point.

    declare @svrName varchar(255)

    declare @sql varchar(400)

    --by default it will take the current server name, we can the set the server name as well

    set @svrName = @@SERVERNAME

    set @sql = 'powershell.exe -c "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName ' + QUOTENAME(@svrName,'''') + ' -Class Win32_Volume -Filter ''DriveType = 3'' | select name,capacity,freespace | foreach{$_.name+''|''+$_.capacity/1048576+''%''+$_.freespace/1048576+''*''}"'

    --creating a temporary table

    CREATE TABLE #output

    (line varchar(255))

    --inserting disk name, total space and free space value in to temporary table

    insert #output

    EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql

    --script to retrieve the values in MB from PS Script output

    select rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as drivename


    (CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as Float),0) as 'capacity(MB)'


    (CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as Float),0) as 'freespace(MB)'

    from #output

    where line like '[A-Z][:]%'

    order by drivename

    --script to retrieve the values in GB from PS Script output

    select rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as drivename


    (CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as Float)/1024,0) as 'capacity(GB)'


    (CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as Float) /1024 ,0)as 'freespace(GB)'

    from #output

    where line like '[A-Z][:]%'

    order by drivename

    --script to drop the temporary table

    drop table #output

    Please let me if this is something you can work on.


  • Hi there.

    I am glad that the script has helped you out (I actually have plans for expanding it soon-ish).

    Unfortunately, I know nothing about PowerShell, so I won't be able to help you out. 🙁 Have you tried posting this question on other forums to see if an expert can assist you?

  • No, I have not asked. I am new to powershell as well. I am in no rush.

  • Okay. Best suggestion then is to try some PowerShell user groups / sites. If you find the answer feel free to share it. 🙂

  • This is a great script, thanks for sharing it. I made a few little tweaks that others might find useful.

    ---I made @vRecipients a parameter that can be passed at the time of execution:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_SQL_Server_System_Report]

    @v_Output_Mode CHAR (1) = NULL

    ,@vUnused_Index_Days INT = 7

    ,@vRecipients AS NVARCHAR(128) = NULL



    ---and then commented out the declaration for it

    DECLARE @vOnline_Since AS NVARCHAR (19)

    -- DECLARE @vRecipients AS VARCHAR (MAX)



    ---also, I modified the part where the email is sent, so if there are multiple email profiles and/or no default mail profile, it will still work.

    IF @v_Output_Mode = 'E'


    DECLARE @profname sysname

    SELECT@profname = name


    WHEREprofile_id in (SELECT min(profile_id) FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile)

    EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_send_dbmail]

    @profile_name = @profname

    ,@recipients = @vRecipients

    ,@copy_recipients = @vCopy_Recipients

    ,@subject = @vSubject

    ,@body = @vBody

    ,@body_format = 'HTML'


    The changes I made allow the report to be sent to anyone on the dba team.

    Hope these mods are helpful to others.

  • Can you post the entire code vs. bit and pieces?

    Thank you

  • Sure Juan, please see attached.

  • This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I am actually in the process of updating / adding to the code. Would you mind if I integrate your additions (officially) to it?

  • If you could update the Drive space code with the MP code listed in an earlier post.

    That would be great.


  • I would actually like to see the option to have this information saved to a AdminDB table.

    SQL Padre
    aka Robert M Bishop

    "Do or do not, there is no try" -- Yoda

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