SQL SERVER sp_msforeachdb

  • When i use the following

    sp_msforeachdb @command1='USE [chapter];SELECT * FROM sys.Tables'

    it repeats the output for 23 times . Can any one please tell me the reason Why it is repeating the Output for 23 times? "The Database which i used contains 23 tables. Is it because of that?" . Please suggest.

  • I take it you want all the tables from each database?

    sp_MSForEachDB 'USE [?]; SELECT * FROM sys.tables'

  • yes, I know the other way, but I want it using "sp_msforeachdb" . Please suggest

  • The T-SQL in my first post used sp_msforeachdb and loops through to get all records from sys.tables in each DB

  • I have the database name stored in a variable. lets say my databse name is 'chapter' .I want to retrieve all the all the table names of the database "chapter" . Its listing all the tables of the database "chapter" . But it is repeating for 23 times. I am not sure why it is repeating the same results for 23 times.

  • if you do

    select count(*) from sys.databases

    does it return 23 rows?

    what your seeing is that you have used sp_msforeachdb but telling it to go back to the chapter database so what it is going is this

    use master


    use chapter


    select * from sys.tables


    use msdb


    use chapter


    select * from sys.tables


    use model


    use chapter


    select * from sys.tables






    Can you detail exactly what it is you want? Is it just all of the tables from one database? Is it all of the tables from ALL databases? Or is it something completly different?

  • No Anthony. When I query "Select cont(*) from Sys.databases" it returned only 9..not 23..

    the thing is same output is being returned for 23 times.

  • Anthony,

    I need all the tables from one database not from all the databases. Please tell me whats wrong with the following query

    sp_msforeachdb 'USE [Chapter]; SELECT * FROM sys.Tables'

    I clearly mentioned the Databse name not sure why it is looping for so many times.

  • if you only need data from one database then you dont need to use sp_msforeachdb.

    issue the following and post the results

    sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]; SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sysobjects'

  • Hi Anthony,

    Is it like I should not use that query when I want to retrieve all the tables from a single database.right?

  • yes that is correct

    sp_msforeachdb will execute the query depending on the number of databases you have, so if you have 5 databases it runs the query 5 times.

    strange how you say you only have 9 but loops 23 times, hence why I wanted you to run that query I gave you before, but I now realised its not right

    please run this and post the results so we can see why it is running 23 times

    sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]; SELECT db_name()'

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