SQL Server Security: The db_executor Role

  • Melvin, that's an excellent idea that will be very helpful to me. One question, though. Why not assign all permissions through one cursor, like so?



    SELECT USER_NAME(uid) Owner, [name] StoredProcedure

    FROM sysobjects

    where xtype in ('P', 'TF', 'FN')

    Seemed to work here.

  • Excellent article and discussion, what would I do without sqlservercentral?

    It occurred to me that with SQL 2005 you could combine it with a ddl trigger and eliminate the need for scheduling and the sql agent altogether:

    create trigger tdGrantExecute

    on database for

    create_procedure, create_function




     declare @exe varchar(128)

     declare @sql varchar(1000)

     declare cExe cursor forward_only for

      select objects.name

      from sys.objects

      inner join sys.schemas on objects.schema_id = schemas.schema_id

      where schemas.name = 'dbo'

       and type in ('P', 'FN', 'FS','AF','PC')

     open cExe

     fetch next from cExe into @exe

     while @@fetch_status = 0


      set @sql = 'GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.[' + @exe + '] TO db_executor'

      exec (@sql)

      fetch next from cExe into @exe


     close cExe

     deallocate cExe


    ** SQL 2005 Object Types **

    AF = Aggregate function (CLR)

    C = CHECK constraint

    D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)

    F = FOREIGN KEY constraint

    PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint

    P = SQL stored Procedure

    PC = Assembly (CLR) stored Procedure

    FN = SQL scalar function

    FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar function

    FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function

    R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone)

    RF = Replication-filter-Procedure

    SN = Synonym

    SQ = Service queue

    TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger

    TR = SQL DML trigger

    IF = SQL inlined table-valued function

    TF = SQL table-valued-function

    U = Table (user-defined)

    UQ = UNIQUE constraint

    V = View

    X = Extended stored Procedure

    IT = Internal table



    Note that in my environment I've restricted access to only the dbo schema.

    Thanks again!

  • hi, this may be a stupid question, so apologies in advance (i'm not a dba!)... does this solution work if the users are not members of the db_datawriter role?

    for example:

    if I have a stored procedure that does an INSERT and user executing the stored procedure is a member of the user created "db_executer" role but not of the "db_datawriter" role would the user still be able run the stored procedure so that it inserts data into a table?


  • Yes, if you have taken advantage of ownership chaining.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • wow - quick response 🙂


    think i'll have to look into "ownership chaining" but if you have any good links to this feel free to pass them on.

    cheers brian!

  • sho (7/13/2009)

    wow - quick response 🙂


    think i'll have to look into "ownership chaining" but if you have any good links to this feel free to pass them on.

    cheers brian!

    An intro on ownership chaining in 2005/2008:

    Ownership chaining in SQL Server security feature or security risk

    K. Brian Kelley

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