• Hi,

    We have been looking at the performance of our Intranet SQL Server particularly the memory.

    Our server has 1GB or physical memory, with a paging file of typically 2GB.

    When the server has been rebooted the physical memory available is typically 500/300M, during the course of the day it gets to as low as 12K!

    Is this normal, does it get reallocated when the system needs more?

    In task manager the memory usage of sqlservr.exe is 770M.



  • This is normal. SQL Server will allocate some at boot and begin to request more from the OS as it feels it needs it. 1GB is pretty low and I'd recommend at least 2 if there is any kind of load or other processes. You can limit the amount SQL takes in Enterprise Manager (server, right click, properties, memory tab).

  • Thanks, will up the memory, cheers. Mike

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