SQL Server Reporting Services

  • Hi All

    Why does Reporting Services services just stop? It runs under LocalSystem account; no errors in RS error logs, nothing that indicates that there was a problem.

    It happened on TEST; we just started it again; but now it happened on PROD, also started it again; (this should NOT to happen on PROD.)

    Is there a way I can see why it was stopped or by whom? Or maybe the localssytem account that lost a connection?

    Thanks in advance


  • I have run into this mysterious behavior myself, and never found a clue as to why it would happen. I had a production server that would be found with RS stopped on Monday morning almost every week. I never found any clues as to why it happened.


    Learning something new on every visit to SSC. Hoping to pass it on to someone else.

  • The most likely reason for such issues is installing SSRS in other drive because Microsoft require the configuration path to be fixed that is install in C drive.

    The other is IIS and SSRS in different boxes or too many applications running in IIS.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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