SQL Server Report

  • I am trying to create a report where the data looks like the following:

    Mar '023012025.7134.0511.65145.73Ps, 4T, 4Vn,Groundfish, CrabMCS
    4Vs, 4W, 4X, Scallop, Lobster,RAD
    5Y, 5ZeSealSOV

    The data in the last three columns comes from multiple rows in the tables, for example, the actual data looks like this: (space between each piece of data represents a new column)

    BKSF00-158 1 C 3Ps G 612 SL

    BKSF03-158 2 C 4T G 700 NULL

    BKSF00-155 3 C 4W G 199 NULL

    BKSF00-160 1 O 5Ze P 199 NC

    BKSF00-160 2 O 4Vn P 199 NULL

    BKSF00-161 1 O 5Y P 199 NULL

    How would one return all these values from multiple records in the tables if they are in the same column?

    Also, my data contains SQL server DATETIME values and I want to return a sum of the various data for each month. How could I do this on a month by month basis?

    Any/all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • You can create a function that concatenates the values.

    --Create Test Table

    create table ThatTable (Col1 varchar(10), Col2 char(1))

    insert into ThatTable (col1, col2)

    select '3Ps','G' union

    select '4T','G' union

    select '4W','G' union

    select '5Ze','P' union

    select '4Vn','P' union

    select '5Y','P'


    -- Create the function, you'll need 1 for each different column you want to do this to

    CREATE FUNCTION concatFields

     (@id char(1))

    RETURNS varchar(1000)



    Declare @String  varchar(1000)

    set @String = ''

        -- Concatenation takes place Here

        select @String = @String + col1 + ','

        from thattable

        where col2 = @ID

    -- Remove last comma

    If @String <> ''

        set @String = substring(@String,1,len(@String) -1)

    Return @String



    -- Execute function by itself

    select dbo.concatFields ('G')

    -- Or you can put it inline with the parent table

    select foo, bar, dbo.concatFields (ID) as FooDesc

    From Mytable



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