December 27, 2012 at 1:18 pm
I have a table that keeps track of a store open, closed, reopen, closed (again) , reopen(again) etc dates.
The table has StoreId , AuditTypeId (Open, Close, Reopen) and a date.
I want a report/TSQL that will give me a result like-->
StoreId, Open Date, Closed Date , ReOpen Date, Closed Date 2, ReOpenDate 2 .......
There can be no Reopen & Re-Close for a store or the store could have been closed twice and reopened twice etc.
Could you please give me an idea how to write the query to get this result.
December 27, 2012 at 1:29 pm
SJanki (12/27/2012)
I have a table that keeps track of a store open, closed, reopen, closed (again) , reopen(again) etc dates.The table has StoreId , AuditTypeId (Open, Close, Reopen) and a date.
I want a report/TSQL that will give me a result like-->
StoreId, Open Date, Closed Date , ReOpen Date, Closed Date 2, ReOpenDate 2 .......
There can be no Reopen & Re-Close for a store or the store could have been closed twice and reopened twice etc.
Could you please give me an idea how to write the query to get this result.
This is not as simple as it seems. It sounds like you need a dynamic solution where the number of columns is unknown. Please refer to the 2 articles in my signature about cross tabs. The seconds one about dynamic cross tabs is exactly what you need for this sort of thing.
Of course if this is a report, doing it in the front end is likely to perform faster than doing this in sql.
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December 27, 2012 at 6:25 pm
Looks like a challenging solutions and I want to try it. I'm not busy today because my boss is on holiday (yehey!!!) :-).Can you post some data and sample output so I can work something for today.
December 27, 2012 at 7:50 pm
eklavu (12/27/2012)
Looks like a challenging solutions and I want to try it. I'm not busy today because my boss is on holiday (yehey!!!) :-).Can you post some data and sample output so I can work something for today.
Please find the example data-->
Master Table-->Store_Audit_Type
Audit_Type_Id Audit_Type_Description
1 New
2 Closed
3 ReOpen
Data in the table
StoreId Audit_Type_Id CreatedDate
1 1 1/1/2012
1 2 4/1/2012
1 3 6/1/2012
1 2 11/1/1012
2 1 1/5/2012
2 2 5/10/2012
3 1 12/1/2012
in the above example, Store 1 was newly opened on 1/1/2012 , then was closed on 4/1/2012.
It was Reopened on 6/1/2012 and again closed on 11/1/2012
Store 2 was newly opened on 1/5/2012, then closed on 5/10/2012
Store 3 was opened on 12/1/2012 ( this one is not yet closed )
Hope this will help to understand the scenario.
Thank you!!
Good luck!
December 27, 2012 at 8:26 pm
I still don't understand some of the requirements.
StoreId, Open Date, Closed Date , ReOpen Date, Closed Date 2, ReOpenDate 2 .......
There can be no Reopen & Re-Close for a store or the store could have been closed twice and reopened twice etc.
you said There can be no Reopen. Why is it that there is a ReOpen Date field in your report?
December 28, 2012 at 1:56 am
Is this what you are looking for?
--Creating Tables
Create Table Store_Audit_Type
Audit_Type_Id Int,
Audit_Type_Description NVarchar(30)
Create Table Store_Audit_Details
StoreId Int,
Audit_Type_Id Int,
CreatedDate Date
--Inserting Sample Data
Insert Into Store_Audit_Type
Select 1, 'New'
Union ALL
Select 2, 'Closed'
Union ALL
Select 3, 'ReOpen'
Insert Into Store_Audit_Details
Select 1, 1, '2012/01/01'
Union ALL
Select 1, 2, '2012/04/01'
Union ALL
Select 1, 3, '2012/06/01'
Union ALL
Select 1, 2, '2012/08/01'
Union ALL
Select 1, 3, '2012/10/01'
Union ALL
Select 1, 2, '2012/11/01'
Union ALL
Select 2, 1, '2012/01/05'
Union ALL
Select 2, 2, '2012/05/10'
Union ALL
Select 3, 1, '2012/12/01'
--Dynamic Pivot
Declare @sql NVarchar(MAX), @cols NVarchar(MAX)
Select @cols = STUFF((Select DISTINCT ',MAX(Case When rn = ''' + rn + ''' Then CreatedDate Else NULL End) As ' + rn
From (Select DISTINCT Audit_Type_Description + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By StoreId, Audit_Type_Description Order By StoreId) As Varchar) As rn
From Store_Audit_Details As a
JOIN Store_Audit_Type As b ON a.Audit_Type_Id = b.Audit_Type_Id ) As q FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
Set @sql = 'Select StoreId, ' + @cols
+ ' From
Select StoreId, Audit_Type_Description, CreatedDate, Audit_Type_Description + Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By StoreId, Audit_Type_Description Order By StoreId) As Varchar) As rn
From Store_Audit_Details As a
JOIN Store_Audit_Type As b ON a.Audit_Type_Id = b.Audit_Type_Id
) As p
Group By StoreId'
Execute (@sql)
December 28, 2012 at 5:41 pm
vinu512 (12/28/2012)
Is this what you are looking for?[/code]
Thank you Venu512, This was the quick help I really needed to produce the year end report!
December 28, 2012 at 5:42 pm
This is not as simple as it seems. It sounds like you need a dynamic solution where the number of columns is unknown. Please refer to the 2 articles in my signature about cross tabs. The seconds one about dynamic cross tabs is exactly what you need for this sort of thing.
Of course if this is a report, doing it in the front end is likely to perform faster than doing this in sql.
Thank you Seane. Really useful articles.
December 28, 2012 at 10:19 pm
SJanki (12/28/2012)
vinu512 (12/28/2012)
Is this what you are looking for?[/code]
Thank you Venu512, This was the quick help I really needed to produce the year end report!
You're Welcome....By the way the name's Vinu not Venu. 🙂
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