SQL Server Performance Data Collection

  • Hi,

    I want to gather below SQL Server Performance data without using Performance Monitor, I want to do it using SQL Server DMVs and simple queries to system tables.

    Is it possible?

    Server Utilization

    >CPU Usage

    >Total % CPU Usage

    >% CPU SQLServer Process

    >% CPU SQLServer Agent Process

    >Context Switches / Second

    Disk Usage

    >%Free Space

    >Free Megabytes / GB

    Disk Performance

    >Average Disk Queue Length

    >Current Disk Queue Length

    >Disk Read and Write Latency

    >Disk Read and Write / Second

    Memory Usage

    >Memory: Page Reads/Sec

    >Memory: Pages Writes / Sec

    >Memory: Pages / Sec

    >Memory: Pool Nonpaged Bytes

    >Memory: Pool Paged Bytes

    Server Health Check

    >SQL Agent

    >Failed SQL Agent Jobs

    SQL Server Backups

    >Failed SQL Backups

    SQL Server Databases

    >Database Free Space Alert

    >Database Unused Space Alert (More than 75%)

    >Database Heath Alerts (Single_user, Restricted, DBO Use or Read_Only)

    >Transaction Log Free Space Alerts

    SQL Server Replication

    >Replication Agent

    >Agent Status ( Log Reader, Distributer...)


    >Delivered Commands / Sec

    >Delivered Transaction / Sec

    Log Reader

    >Delivered Commands / Sec

    >Delivered Transactions / Sec


    >Conflicts /Sec

    >Downloaded Chnages / Second

    >Uploaded Chnages / Sec


    >Delivered Commands / Sec

    >Delivered Transactions / Sec

    >SQL Server Performance

    >Active Transactions

    >Average Wait Time / ms

    >DBCC Logical Scan Bytes / Sec

    >Full Scans / Sec

    >Lock Blocks

    >Lock Timeouts / Sec

    >Log Cache Reads / Sec

    >Log Truncations

    >Logins / Sec

    >Failed Logins / Sec / Minute

    >Memory Grants Pending

    >Mixed Page Allocataions / Sec

    >Page Writes /Sec

    >Pages Allocated / Sec


    >DeadLock / Sec / Min


    >ErrorLog Alerts ( Severity More than 17 or 18)



  • yes..you can use the DMV sys.dm_os_performance_counters.


  • Try... sp_monitor

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Thanks a lot. For the Help!!!



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