sql server partition

  • Hi

    I've a database with 6 tables partitioned on a sql server 2008 DB.

    the partition key is a datetime

    I' ve a view (not indexed) that join these tables.

    Every table have 282 partitions. The last partition is '2009-10-08' and every partition has about 5-6 million of rows

    There's a query that queries the view filtering by the partition key.

    Usually we've an execution time of about 5-6 minutes but enquiring the view for the date '2009-10-07' i've a very very long time of execution.

    This is the only partition that give me this problem.

    I tried with dbcc checktable and checkdb but without find a solution.

    Some suggestion??

    Thank you and sorry for my bad english.

  • Hard to say without a bit more information.

    this script can help trouble shoot the problem, its sp_who2 w/views, the last column will give you and xml link you can open and save as a .sqlplan and view the execution plan to see what the bottle neck "might be"


    A.Session_ID SPID,

    ISNULL(B.status,A.status) Status,

    A.login_name Login,

    A.host_name HostName,


    DB_NAME(B.Database_ID) DBName,


    ISNULL(B.cpu_time, A.cpu_time) CPUTime,

    ISNULL((B.reads + B.writes),(A.reads + A.writes)) DiskIO,

    ISNULL(B.writes,A.writes) Writes,

    ISNULL(B.reads,A.reads) Reads,

    Wait_Type WaitType,

    Wait_Time WaitTime,

    A.last_request_start_time LastBatch,

    A.program_name ProgramName,

    T.text SQLStatement,

    P.query_plan QueryPlan


    sys.dm_exec_sessions A

    LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests B

    ON A.session_id = B.session_id



    A.request_session_id SPID,

    B.blocking_session_id BlkBy

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks as A

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks as B

    ON A.lock_owner_address = B.resource_address) C

    ON A.Session_ID = C.SPID


    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) T


    sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle) P


    ISNULL(B.status,A.status) not in ('sleeping','background','dormant') AND

    A.Session_id <> @@SPID

  • Thanks for your reply.

    Now it seems the problem is 'fixed'.... i don't know why but i supposed it was a caused by query optimizer....

    I have a view that join 6 tables partitioned by a date field.

    Every day i've a job that

    - create new partitions for the new day

    - populate them

    - process a SSAS cube for the last 15 days (it means executing 15 query on the view)

    select * from view where dtPartition = '2009-10-08'

    select * from view where dtPartition = '2009-10-09'

    select * from view where dtPartition = '2009-10-10'

    select * from view where dtPartition = '2009-10-11'


    Last week, i've seen a processing time too long and i saw it was too slow with the 2009-10-07 date (only this date).

    The query

    select * from view where dtPartition = '2009-10-07'

    had an execution time over 30 minute but the others about 10-15 minute (10 mln of rows).

    But the query is the same and the number of rows was smaller (6-7 mln)......

    I've just altered the view excluding some join with small table but i find a little advantage.

    During the night, my job runned again and the day after my problem was solved......

    I don't know why and this is my first experience with partitioning a very large amount of data

    So i supposed the problem was in query optimizer...

    Do u think is possible????

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