SQL Server not evaluating WHERE before Casting?

  • I have encountered some odd behavior in SQL Server 2005 which is messing with my ability to get some new views working.

    What I see is that a CAST within the select list for a query appears to be evaluated for rows that should be excluded by the WHERE clause of the statement.

    A simplified example of my problem:

    create table test1

    (key1 int,

    column1 varchar(10)


    insert into test1 (key1, column1)

    select 1, 'GC435'


    select 1, '23456'


    select 2, '2344'

    select key1, column1, cast(column1 as int) as cst from test1

    where (isnumeric(column1) = 0)

    Running this code causes the error

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'GC435' to data type int.

    And to my thinking, the offending non-numeric value should have been excluded from the result set via the WHERE clause prior to the CASTing operation.

    Without using a temp table and splitting this type of action into steps, anybody know of a work-around to force SQL server to complete it's WHERE filtering before performing other conversions embedded in the result set?


  • try evaluating isnumeric = 1 not 0

    select key1, column1, cast(column1 as int) as cst from test1

    where (isnumeric(column1) = 1)

  • Well, thanks, but as I mentioned, this is greatly simplified and the real WHERE clause is significantly more involved. I picked this one simply to illustrate what I think the issue is.

  • And be aware that ISNUMERIC checks whether the value can be cast to one of the numeric data types, not whether it can be case to int.

    SELECT ISNUMERIC ('1.245d10')

    SELECT CAST('1.245d10' AS INT)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • gary.wood (8/28/2009)

    Well, thanks, but as I mentioned, this is greatly simplified and the real WHERE clause is significantly more involved. I picked this one simply to illustrate what I think the issue is.

    Can you post the full, unsimplified query? The problem with the piece that you posted is that the isnumeric check is the wrong way around, hard to infer or guess the problem in the full thing from that.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • The WHERE criteria (current iteration) attempts to limit the result set to values that match this pattern:


    Where "A" is an alpha, and "9" is a numeric. The actual length of the column value can be longer than the pattern (up to 10), but the intent is to pick up values with a single Alpha prefix or Suffix, and no embedded blanks.

    The table contains street addreses, which have been historically open to freeform input and were blank padded - just to explain some of the odd bits of the criteria. The data is admittedly horrid 😮


    ( (isnumeric(housestart) = 0 and m.housestart LIKE '_%[0-9]%_')


    (charindex(' ', RTRIM(housestart)) = 0)



    isnumeric(SUBSTRING(housestart,2, datalength(rtrim(housestart)) - 1)) = 1


    isnumeric(SUBSTRING(housestart,1, datalength(rtrim(housestart)) - 1)) = 1



  • Understood. I wish tSql had a native IsInteger...

    But either way, a value like 'NG123' would fail the ISNUMERIC test, so I expected it to be filtered before the CAST was performed.

  • gary.wood (8/28/2009)

    Understood. I wish tSql had a native IsInteger...

    But either way, a value like 'NG123' would fail the ISNUMERIC test, so I expected it to be filtered before the CAST was performed.

    'NG123' will be filtered in the Where condition, there must be a problem with the logic in the Where condition, are you able to post the entire query and the results you are tryin to acheive to avoid further guess work..?

  • My apologies. The example I used is bogus and I somehow reversed my logic. The problem I encountered appeared once I had created views from queries I had worked on.

    I threw together a simple example that generated the same error message, but in looking at it again, it is obviously asking for the wrong data.

    I will try to formulate a better example that is still simple. I appreciate the help regardless.

  • It would be helpful to see the full WHERE clause.

    Given the 'A999A' pattern, I assume it contains something like this?

    WHERE someCol like '[A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][A-Z]'


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • In your original posting, I'd say it's the SELECT that's failing even before the WHERE is applied.

    If you remove the third item in the SELECT it gives you back the columns with alphanumeric data.

    select key1, column1 --, cast(column1 as int) as cst

    from test1

    where (isnumeric(column1) = 0)

    Otherwise, as steveb has already pointed out, where (isnumeric(column1) = 1) returns the rows with only numeric data in column1.

    select key1, column1, cast(column1 as int) as cst

    from test1

    where (isnumeric(column1) = 1)

    To echo the others, please provide more details so that we can understand the pattern matching business.


  • Riz Gulamhussein (8/29/2009)

    In your original posting, I'd say it's the SELECT that's failing even before the WHERE is applied.

    Nope. SQL evaluates the WHERE clause before it evaluates the SELECT clause.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • You can't rely on a where clause to stop these types of errors. This will happen quite commonly. Where's are not necessarily evaluated before the select, the only thing you can *force* it to evaluate in proper order is a case statement.

    Try using something like CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(column1) = 1 THEN CAST(column1as int) END

    This will only attempt to cast it when it can cast it. (Although as Gail already pointed out, numeric doesn't necessarily mean int)

    Seth Phelabaum

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  • While we're on the subject, ISNUMERIC() doesn't even truly mean NUMERIC.

    declare @testString varchar(10)

    set @testString = '.'

    select @testString as [@testString], isnumeric(@testString) as [IsNumeric]

    set @testString = ',,'

    select @testString as [@testString], isnumeric(@testString) as [IsNumeric]

    set @testString = '-'

    select @testString as [@testString], isnumeric(@testString) as [IsNumeric]

    set @testString = '$'

    select @testString as [@testString], isnumeric(@testString) as [IsNumeric]


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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