SQL Server Monitoring Tool Comparison

  • I am currently evaluating the products (Spotlight/iWatch from Qwest)

    and (DiagnosticManger from NetIQ) for monitoring SQL 2000/7.0. I would

    appreciate anyone that could point out any gottcha's in either.

    Opinions are ok too.

    Thanks 🙂


  • We have Spotlight on SQL Server by Quest. I like this software and use it alot. I can leave it running all day without it impacting our server and check it when I like, it makes it easy to keep an eye on it. Being a Junior DBA, this product is very useful to me, as sometimes I dont know the command for something and know where to see it in Spotlight. I dont know how a more senior dba would think about it, i'm not sure they would really want to use it.


  • Meg

    Thanks for your input. It will be helpful..


  • I've only looked at both from a review perspective and the Quest product gets my vote hands down. Interface is far richer. Just my opinion.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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