SQL Server Minimum Memory Setting

  • OS: Windows Server 2003 Standard SP 1

    SQL Server 2000 Standard SP3

    Memory: 3.75 GB

    Boot.ini entry: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Windows Server 2003, Standard" /fastdetect /3GB /NoExecute=OptOut

    SQL server Service account is local administrator on the server

    First thing I will do to upgrade the Service Pack 4 but my problem is below.

    SQL Server Minimum Memory configured to 3234 MB.  But when SQL server service starts error log has an entry for Warning: unable to allocate 'min server memory' of 3234MB.'  When I execute sp_configure the result for the Max Server Memory and Min Server Memory indicates 3234 MB for configured value and running value.  Is this the correct setting? Do I need to have the account the lock pages in memory permission set?  Can anyone point me the direction where I can change the service account to basic account but set the proper permissions so It will start SQL server and run it with no problem?


  • don't mess with the server memory settings, use dynamic memory only with the 3gb switch. Only set memory config if you have problems or using awe.

    Standard edition ( 2000 ) cannot use this memory anyway.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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