November 17, 2014 at 5:31 pm
I have the following problem and it seems simple but I am stuck.
I have resulting rows from a query similar to the following:
The data is coming from a single table that contains only one coverage code column and one coverage code date, but the end user wants the two coverage code types and dates combined into a single row. So the SELECT looks something like this:
[Employee ID] = emp.employee_id,
[Coverage Code 1] = enr.coverage_code,
[Coverage Date 1] = enr.coverage_date,
[Coverage Code 2] = case when enr.product_type = 'Accident.Accident'
then enr.coverage_code else NULL end,
[Coverage Date 2] = case when enr.product_type = 'Accident.Accident'
then enr.coverage_date else NULL end
employees emp
join enrollment enr
on emp.employer_id = enr.employer_id
emp.company_id = 'A&P' and
enr.product_type in ('Info.General', 'Accident.Accident') and
enr.enroll_status = 'closed'
I basically want to merge the like Employee ID's together into a single row like the following:
I know I have done this before and it is probably pretty simple but I am experiencing a brain fart. Can someone give me a quick assist?
November 17, 2014 at 7:19 pm
Looks like this works:
, MIN(CoverageCode1) AS CC1
, MIN(CoverageDate1) AS CD1
, MIN(CoverageCode2) AS CC2
, MIN(CoverageDate2) AS CD2
FROM vwCoverage
GROUP BY EmployeeID;
November 18, 2014 at 3:09 am
What if the query returns
1 CID 01/01/2015 NULL NULL
1 CID 01/02/2015 NULL NULL
1 CID 01/03/2015 AH 01/25/2015
1 CIE 01/01/2015 NULL NULL
November 18, 2014 at 4:45 am
The query will either return 1 record for each Employee ID where the Coverage Code 2 and Coverage Date 2 are NULL or it will return a maximum of 2 records for each Employee ID as in the example where Coverage Code 2 and Coverage Date 2 are NULL in one record and populated in the second.
November 18, 2014 at 6:10 am
OK. Can that two rows contain 3 distinct codes and dates, i.e.
1 CID 01/03/2015 AH 01/25/2015
1 CIE 01/01/2015 NULL NULL
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