SQL Server licences

  • Are SQL Server licence charges a one off or are they renewable annually? I can't find an answer to this on the Microsoft website.

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  • I've not had to renew anually, so a one off deal I would say.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Thanks for this, I reached the same conclusion, the licence costs are a one off.

    Interesting lack of interest (if you see what I mean) in this question. Other licence questions on the site are peppered with comments like "I'm a DBA, licences are nothing to do with me" - I suspect this would not be an acceptable reply to your manager or to Microsoft's auditors when they discover your site is running unlicenced versions of SQL Server.

  • That's probably because licensing is such a pain that most good DBA's manage to offload the responsibility onto someone else, that way freeing them from the burden and allowing them the time to become better at their jobs.

    Do you have per processor or per seat licenses by the way?

  • We use per processor but now I've actually looked at it I think they are poor value for Servers with less than about 15 -20 users per processor (e.g. a licence for a 2 processor box costs about the same as a  one for a Server plus 40 CALs).

    I agree it's rather confusing, not helped by the big change 2 or 3 years ago (processor licences replacing server licences, CALs split into user CALs and device CALs).

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