SQL Server Jobs schedule

  • Hi All,

    I wanted to check with you all if it is possible to create a script which generates the list of the schedules of all the jobs and then analyses it to rearrange the job starttime to ensure that we have equal gap between two jobs starting time. Just an idea to ensure we donot have many jobs running at the same time.



  • Just threw this together quickly so take it as you will but it might help with what you are looking for.

    USE [MSDB];

    WITH Last_Run AS


    SELECT MAX(instance_id) AS maxID, job_id FROM sysjobhistory WHERE step_id = 0 GROUP BY job_id




    dbo.agent_datetime(sh.run_date,sh.run_time) AS runDateTime,

    CAST(sh.run_duration/10000 AS VARCHAR) + ':'

    + RIGHT('00' + CAST(sh.run_duration/100%100 AS VARCHAR),2) + ':'

    + RIGHT('00' + CAST(sh.run_duration%100 AS VARCHAR),2) AS run_duration


    sysjobs s

    JOIN Last_Run l ON l.job_id = s.job_id

    JOIN sysjobhistory sh ON sh.instance_id = l.maxID


    s.enabled = 1

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

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