SQL Server Job Failed

  • How can i identify where the error is as there is no where defined in the code using 'RAISEERROR' statement. please help..

  • Job Failed With Error 50000

  • what do you have in sysmessages for that error message?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I know 50000 is a user defined Error, but i dont even find anything in sysmessages-table in Master. What is the best way to debug this Job to find the error. I dont even find the RAISEERROR statement in the code. The job is executing a storedprocedure.

  • Per BOL (Books Online, the SQL Server Help System) regarding error message 50000:

    When RAISERROR is used with a msg_str instead of a msg_id, the SQL Server error number and native error number returned is 50000.

    This means that the RAISERROR statement contained an error message string, so you need to identify the error message returned, then look for that in the stored procedure. If the stored procedure called any other stored procedures, you may have to look through them as well.

  • RAISEERROR statement is not in the stored procedure. I have got the error like this:

    Executed as user: xxxcorp\sqladmn. ...X] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([FileReceived],'') <> IsNull((Select [FileReceived] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [POCDateX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([POCDate],'') <> IsNull((Select [POCDate] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [ReceiveReviewPlanX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([ReceiveReviewPlan],'') <> IsNull((Select [ReceiveReviewPlan] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [OTPDateX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([OTPDate],'') <> IsNull((Select [OTPDate] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.F... The step failed.

  • sureshdeenu (12/18/2009)

    RAISEERROR statement is not in the stored procedure. I have got the error like this:

    Executed as user: xxxcorp\sqladmn. ...X] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([FileReceived],'') <> IsNull((Select [FileReceived] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [POCDateX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([POCDate],'') <> IsNull((Select [POCDate] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [ReceiveReviewPlanX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([ReceiveReviewPlan],'') <> IsNull((Select [ReceiveReviewPlan] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'') [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Update GeStatus Set ChangedRecordX = 'x', [OTPDateX] = 'x' Where Client = '4600' And SequenceNumber = '1020' And IsNull([OTPDate],'') <> IsNull((Select [OTPDate] From tmpSeqNum B Where B.F... The step failed.

    Where did you get this:

    Job Failed With Error 50000

  • sql server Error: 50000, is found in sql server agent Error log.

  • I have an idea, show us the code that is failing instead of just the error message. That really isn't helping much.

  • Declare @UpdateText as VarChar(2000)

    Set @UpdateText =

    'Update GeStatus ' +

    'Set ChangedRecordX = ''x'', ' +

    '[' + RTrim(@ChangedFieldName) +'] = ''x'' ' +

    'Where Client = ''' + RTrim(@Client) + ''' ' +

    'And SequenceNumber = ''' + RTrim(Cast(@SeqNum as VarChar)) + ''' ' +

    'And IsNull([' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '],'''') <> ' +

    ' IsNull((Select [' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '] From tmpSeqNum B ' +

    ' Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'''')'


    Print @UpdateText

  • sureshdeenu (12/18/2009)

    Declare @UpdateText as VarChar(2000)

    Set @UpdateText =

    'Update GeStatus ' +

    'Set ChangedRecordX = ''x'', ' +

    '[' + RTrim(@ChangedFieldName) +'] = ''x'' ' +

    'Where Client = ''' + RTrim(@Client) + ''' ' +

    'And SequenceNumber = ''' + RTrim(Cast(@SeqNum as VarChar)) + ''' ' +

    'And IsNull([' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '],'''') <> ' +

    ' IsNull((Select [' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '] From tmpSeqNum B ' +

    ' Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'''')'


    Print @UpdateText

    Is this the entire code or just a piece of the stored proc? If the latter, please post the entire proc.

  • --New Record, everythings changed(PART OF OTHER STORED PROCEDURE)

    UPDATE GeStatus

    SET ChangedRecordX = 'x'

    ,FileReceivedX = 'x'

    ,POCDateX = 'x'

    ,ReceiveReviewPlanX = 'x'

    ,OTPDateX = 'x'

    WHERE SUBSTRING(FileNumber, 1, 4) = @Client

    AND SequenceNumber = @SeqNum

    AND FileNumber NOT IN ( SELECT FileNumber

    FROM tmpSeqNum (NOLOCK) )

    EXEC sp_ChangeReportProcessField @Client, @SeqNum, 'POCDate',


    EXEC sp_ChangeReportProcessField @Client, @SeqNum, 'OTPDate',


    -----------------------------------------------------------NEXT STORED PROCEDURE

    CREATE Proc [dbo].[sp_ChangeReportProcessField](





    ) as

    Declare @UpdateText as VarChar(2000)

    Set @UpdateText =

    'Update GeStatus ' +

    'Set ChangedRecordX = ''x'', ' +

    '[' + RTrim(@ChangedFieldName) +'] = ''x'' ' +

    'Where Client = ''' + RTrim(@Client) + ''' ' +

    'And SequenceNumber = ''' + RTrim(Cast(@SeqNum as VarChar)) + ''' ' +

    'And IsNull([' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '],'''') <> ' +

    ' IsNull((Select [' + RTrim(@FieldName) + '] From tmpSeqNum B ' +

    ' Where B.FileNumber = GeStatus.FileNumber),'''')'


    Print @UpdateText

  • Main stored procedure is using cursor to check all the clients update with the new records.

    After getting the new records, i think it is failing while updating.

  • Is the child stored procedure able to execute independently of the parent proc?

    Has the process ever worked?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • NO, these SP are depend on the Main SP.

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