SQL Server hang

  • I have a SQL server that run on Windows 2003 server with SP1. Hardware is Dell Poweredge 2850 with Raid 5 hard disk, 2GB of RAM.

    Recently, this server keeps hangig. When it hang, users are not able to access SQL nor ping to the server.

    There is no memory dump that created in the server after the hung event, and there is also no event log that shows error on that time.

    Need an urgent helps..

    John. (UserID=409356)

  • did u check which process consumed most of your memory and processor time. if tis sqlserver then we have to tune the server to perform optimally.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • As far as I know, Microsoft has not solved the memory leak completely. As a result, a server or a service need to be restarted accordingly. How often we need to restart a server or a service depends on how heavy a server or a service is used. We cannot find from the Task Manager which serive stole the memory. However, we may, I mean we may, find memory stolen message in the SQL Server error logs.

  • Hello,

    since you can't ping the server, my guess would be that the problem isn't necessarily related to SQL.  The fact that you can't remotely access a SQL server at the same time that you can't ping it is certainly no surprise.  It seems like more of a network problem to me.

    You might try using a local connection to the SQL server.  Try running QA or EM on the server itself.



  • We were having hanging problem each week with one of our SQL 2000 servers last year.   We tried all sort of things to find out what was wrong.  I eventually ran across a Microsoft hotfix for Windows 2003 SP1, which the server team applied.  At the time the hotfix had not been officially released yet.   The hotfix worked and it did not screw up the server.   I can not find the article about the hotfix (date Sept. 2?, 2006) but you should be able to find it on the Microsoft web site. 

  • Thanks for all the reply.

    Yes, when I mean the SQL server hang, it mean the whole server hang including keyboard and mouse, operating system etc..

    1. How could I see if the SQL server is heavily used or not?  For what i saw from task manager and performance monitor, it is not high though. Is it a tool to check that?

    2. I will try to find the Microsoft Hotfix, can someone share with me which article should i look for?

    Best Regards

  • May be Barbara referring to the following one...

    SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 may temporarily stop responding on a Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1-based computer



    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Mohammed supplied the correct link.    

    The server team added extra memory to the problem server and it sill hang.   The hotfix worked for our situation.


  • Thanks.  Shall try the hotfix first.   Btw, we dont see the error msg that described by microsoft either.

  • Before applying the hotfix please take

    -> Master / MSDB / User database backup for safety then apply the hotfix.


    Minaz Amin

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • if the operating system itself is not reponding than Issue is at windows end. consider engaging Microsoft windows team for their help. may be they can help in isolating issues at OS end first.

    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

    Download the Updated SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

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