SQL Server Express ODBC Default DB

  • I have created a SQL Server Express database using MS Visual Studio 2005 and need to create an ODBC connection to this database to allow other non-vb.net applications to connect to it.  When going into the ODBC configuration tool, I enter "localhost\sqlexpress" for the server and choos "SQL Native Client" for the driver.  When on the section for choosing the default database, the database does not appear.

    How can I set up the default database to reference this database file?

    I appreciate any help available.



  • I tried creating an ODBC conn to one of the databases in my SQL Server Express and it worked just fine. Would the problem be a security issue? I am using the db owner as I create the connection.


  • Monica,

    I don't think that it is a security issue.  I can create the ODBC DSN, but I don't see my DB listed in the default database drop down box.  How do I get ODBC to reference this database?



  • Hi Larry,

    When I created the connection, I was able to see all my databases in the drop down menu. Is your db online?

  • Monica,

    I found the errror in my ways.  I had to download the SQL Manager Express application from Microsoft and use it to create my database.  Apparently VS 2005 creates the database but not in a fashon that the ODBC configuration tool can see.  After creating the database in SQL Manager Express, the ODBC configuration tool was able to see it.

    Thanks again for your help!!


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