SQL Server Express 2005 on Windows 7 64-bit

  • I recently rebuilt my Windows Vista Home Premium laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate; I also went from 32-bit to 64-bit. I'm trying to rebuild my web development interface, which means I'm trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005, which I've been using on Vista.

    The Windows 7 answer site suggested I needed SP3, so I downloaded the SP3 installer (the EXE); but I get the same errors I got with the unpatched version:

    It complains that only 64-bit ASP.Net is registered and it needs 32-bit ASP.Net to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2005(32-bit). (I tried downloading and installing a 32-bit ASP.Net package and the installer wouldn't even run. A compatibility check said, not compatible.)

    It complains that it can't find the installation package for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client and says to try again with the installation package sqlncli_x64.msi. (I can't find such a file on my disk.)

    Actually with SP3 I got a new error: SQL Server Database Services install failed. It refers me to the setup log for detail but when I click on the link nothing comes up. I searched the log directory for the string "database services" and found nothing usable.

    When the install says it's complete, I have no Surface Area configuration tool in my start menu, and Management Studio Express can't find a local database server to connect to.

    Is this a known problem with SQL Server Express 2005 and 64 bit Windows 7? What should I be doing that I'm not?

    Nature bats last.

  • I think a lot of things are wrong here is the easy solution use SQL Server 2008 Express which comes in x64 so most of your problems will go away. The other option use the link below to download and install the SQL Server 2005 Express x86 binaries for x64 operating system. Then if you cannot build your code AnyCPU in VS2008 then your code must run as x86 and I think IIS 7.5 will require configuration to run x86 code because your IIS 7.5 is x64.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks for the quick response, and I did consider going to SQL Server Express 2008 - my only reason not to would be that my production system is on SQL Server 2005 and I wanted the test system to be as close as possible. On the other hand, I ran my test system on 2005 for several months while the production systeme was on SQL Server 2000. Would you expect there to be any issues restoring a database on SQL Server Express 2008 that was backed up from SQL Server 2005? If that should be OK I may just go with the upgrade.

    Nature bats last.

  • hedera (12/31/2009)

    Thanks for the quick response, and I did consider going to SQL Server Express 2008 - my only reason not to would be that my production system is on SQL Server 2005 and I wanted the test system to be as close as possible. On the other hand, I ran my test system on 2005 for several months while the production systeme was on SQL Server 2000. Would you expect there to be any issues restoring a database on SQL Server Express 2008 that was backed up from SQL Server 2005? If that should be OK I may just go with the upgrade.

    I don't think there will be any problems but as with most things in implementation run some tests before production. I am assuming your database is not in compatibility 80 if it is then you may want to move to at least 90 for 2005 before going 100 which is for 2008.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I am assuming your database is not in compatibility 80 if it is then you may want to move to at least 90 for 2005 before going 100 which is for 2008.

    Ouch, my ignorance is showing. How do I find out whether my production database is compatibility 80 or compatibility 90? Is that something I just have to ask the support team at the hosting company?

    UPDATE: after a little research I realized that I do have to ask my ISP support team, and I did so.

    Nature bats last.

  • hedera (12/31/2009)

    I am assuming your database is not in compatibility 80 if it is then you may want to move to at least 90 for 2005 before going 100 which is for 2008.

    Ouch, my ignorance is showing. How do I find out whether my production database is compatibility 80 or compatibility 90? Is that something I just have to ask the support team at the hosting company?

    UPDATE: after a little research I realized that I do have to ask my ISP support team, and I did so.

    You could just go into Management Studio Express locally and right click on the local copy and go to properties. Then options to see the compatibility level and other features, if it is in 80 which is 2000 level then you cannot use either SQL Server 2005 or 2008 features.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • That's my problem - at the moment I don't have a local copy of the database, because I don't have a functional SQL server on the laptop. I asked the ISP about the compatibility number but the tech misunderstood my question.

    Nature bats last.

  • hedera (12/31/2009)

    That's my problem - at the moment I don't have a local copy of the database, because I don't have a functional SQL server on the laptop. I asked the ISP about the compatibility number but the tech misunderstood my question.

    That is still not an issue restore the backup just make sure your backup is in a remove able drive. Then check the compatibility level, if in 80 then change to 90 do another backup and restore and then change to 100. If 90 then change to 100 after restore. You should know that if your ISP is in SQL Server 2005 then it is best to use 2005 because you cannot restore 2008 in 2005.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • My ISP tech support staff have just confirmed my suspicion that my database's compatibility level is 80; it was originally built on SQL Server 2000. If I read your suggestion correctly, I can change the compatibility level merely by changing the number and then doing another backup and restore?? This seems too good to be true. I'll have to do some more research on this issue.

    Your point about being unable to restore a 2008 database from a 2005 backup is true but I'm not sure it's relevant; I would never try to restore the production database (2005) from the test site database (possibly 2008). If I had to restore the production database I'd use the ISP's latest backup (SQL 2005). The purpose of the test site is to allow me to check out new functionality, and test and document upgrade procedures before doing them on the production site, it isn't a formal backup from which I could restore. My real question is, can I run a SQL database with a compatibility level of 80 in a SQL Server 2008 Express server, for testing purposes only? All I'm really doing is supporting a DotNetNuke 4.9.5 site.

    Nature bats last.

  • You need to change to 90 and then 100 because DNN 5.0.2 is running on just SQL Server 2005 and 2008 I just created a new install two days back. It is not very complicated if DNN throws errors then you could just check the DNN database to see the reason for the error.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • That's useful to know, since I would like, eventually, to upgrade the site to DNN 5.X. I'll obviously have to upgrade the database then. I'm still torn whether to go with SQL 2008 or 2005 (using the x86 binaries) on my 64-bit laptop...

    I don't have access on the ISP site that would allow me to do your upgrade compatibility-backup-restore sequence - the ISP staff do the backups for me (their rule) and I suspect they'd also have to do the restores.

    This has all been VERY helpful and informative, and I thank you for taking the time to work through it with me! Happy New Year!

    Nature bats last.

  • You could take the backup restore it locally and do the compatibility change and backup and give the new backup to the ISP to restore. I am assuming you know the restore process take the .bak and put it in the Backup subfolder in Microsoft SQL Server in programs then go to Management Studio and right click and go to all tasks and restore choose from device and navigate to the folder with your .bak and restore.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • My database is now at compatibility level 90; I asked the ISP tech support if they could upgrade it and they did so. Apparently all I have to do is ask. They won't be ready to roll out SQL Server 2008 for awhile so 90 is as far as we go now.

    I'm thinking seriously of upgrading my test site to SQL Server 2008, now that my database is at compatibility level 90. Since I would never under any circumstances try to rebuild the production site from a backup of the test database (I'd do it from the ISP's nightly backups), I don't think the inability to restore to 2005 from 2008 would be an issue.

    Nature bats last.

  • If your ISP is in SQL Server 2005 then you need to use the x86 binaries for x64 in the link I posted earlier. I don't see any issues.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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