sql server error logs issue

  • Hello

    I am able to view only current error log files, I can't view any archieve error log file in sql server 200 sp4.

    I can create new error log files by sp_cycle_errorlog, but how can I set up automatically so I can view archieve file also.

    please let me know

  • Well... I guess it is undocumented (in bol), so use carefully.

    You could use master..xp_readerrorlog

    I haven't got all info at hand, but if you search the net, you'll find it for sure.


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  • do you mean that i need to run this extended procedure to overcome this issue.

  • well my question is, how to generate multiple sql error log automatically. Everytime I do have a current error log, there are no archaieve logs. And my current error log is growing in size and making server slow. so how do i creagte an error log file of small size.

    thank you

  • did you check in EM configuration of the error logs to make sure the number of logs history isnt set to 0

  • where do i check that in EM, i couldnt locate.

  • I didn't realize you actually wanted to consult it with EM. Sorry for that:blush:

    With EM Management, SQLServer errorlogs then right click and check that setting.


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  • I went to sql server log configuration and put the maximum error files upto 6. But my question is how to make smaller size of error log files, because my sql error log file keeps on growing more than 100 mega bytes. is there anyway that if file reaches upto 1 mb archieve that and it will automatically archieve that 1mb file and create new error log file.

    thank you

  • abhisek karki (10/27/2008)

    I went to sql server log configuration and put the maximum error files upto 6. But my question is how to make smaller size of error log files, because my sql error log file keeps on growing more than 100 mega bytes. is there anyway that if file reaches upto 1 mb archieve that and it will automatically archieve that 1mb file and create new error log file.

    thank you

    You’ll have to write your own code that cycles that error log and run it as a job. You can use sp_cycle_errorlog to archive the current log and create a new one. I usually just do it according to time interval instead of checking the size of the log.


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  • we cycle the errorlog every sunday using a sqlagent job.

    If you want to cycle, based on the file size, you'll have to write your own proc.

    e.g. this one monitors sqlagent.out primitive but effective !





    CREATE proc spc_ALZDBA_Check_SQLAgent_Out



    set nocount on

    if exists (select 1

    from msdb.dbo.sysalerts a (nolock)

    left join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j (nolock)

    on a.job_id = j.job_id

    left join master.dbo.sysmessages s (nolock)

    on a.message_id = s.error

    where a.message_id > 49999 -- enkel user-made alerts

    and a.enabled = 1

    and j.enabled = 0 )


    -- Opvragen SQLAGENT.OUT info via DOS dir


    create table #tmpAgentInfo (auto_start int not null

    , msx_server_name varchar(128) null

    , sqlagent_type int not null

    , startup_account varchar(128) null

    , sqlserver_restart int not null

    , jobhistory_max_rows int not null

    , jobhistory_max_rows_per_job int not null

    , errorlog_file varchar(500) not null

    , errorlogging_level int not null

    , error_recipient varchar(128) null

    , monitor_autostart int not null

    , local_host_server varchar(128) null

    , job_shutdown_timeout int not null

    , cmdexec_account varchar(128) null

    , regular_connections int not null

    , host_login_name varchar(128) null

    , host_login_password varchar(128) null

    , login_timeout int not null

    , idle_cpu_percent int not null

    , idle_cpu_duration int not null

    , oem_errorlog int not null

    , sysadmin_only int not null

    , email_profile varchar(128) null

    , email_save_in_sent_folder int not null

    , cpu_poller_enabled int not null


    insert into #tmpAgentInfo

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_get_sqlagent_properties

    Declare @StartDir varchar(500)

    Select @StartDir = errorlog_file

    from #tmpAgentInfo

    -- print @StartDir

    drop table #tmpAgentInfo

    create table #T_Dir_info (

    VlgNr int not null identity(1,1)

    , Niveau integer not null

    , FileDate datetime not null

    , Grootte bigint not null

    , Folder varchar(5000) not null)

    create table #T_Dir_info_relations (

    VlgNr int not null identity(1,1)

    ,ParentVlgNr integer

    , FileVlgNr integer)

    create table #T_cmdshell (Dir varchar(5000))

    set nocount on

    declare @Dir_wrk varchar(5000), @RijenVWK smallint , @VlgNr int, @FileVlgNr int

    Declare @Niveau integer , @FileDate datetime, @Grootte bigint , @Folder varchar(5000), @FilePrefix varchar(5000)

    Select @Niveau = 0, @Grootte = -2 , @Folder ='', @FilePrefix = @StartDir

    declare @cmd varchar(5000)

    WHILE @Niveau < 999999


    truncate table #T_cmdshell

    set @RijenVWK = 0

    if @Niveau = 0


    set @cmd = 'dir ' + @StartDir + ' /-C'

    insert into #T_cmdshell

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    --27/08/2004 21:59 A10_Demo

    declare csrDirCmd cursor for

    Select *

    from #T_cmdshell

    where isdate(substring(Dir,7,4) + '-' +substring(Dir,4,2) + '-' + substring(Dir,1,2) ) = 1

    -- dir like '%Documents and Settings%'

    for read only

    open csrDirCmd


    INTO @Dir_wrk



    set @RijenVWK = 1

    -- print substring(@Dir_wrk,7,4) + '-' +substring(@Dir_wrk,4,2) + '-' + substring(@Dir_wrk,1,2) + substring(@Dir_wrk,12,6)+ ':00'

    -- print ltrim(replace(substring( @Dir_wrk,20,15),'.',''))

    select @FileDate = convert(datetime, substring(@Dir_wrk,7,4) + '-' +substring(@Dir_wrk,4,2) + '-' + substring(@Dir_wrk,1,2) + substring(@Dir_wrk,12,6)+ ':00')

    , @Grootte = case when @Dir_wrk like '% %' then (-1) else convert(bigint, ltrim(replace(substring( @Dir_wrk,20,16),'.',''))) end

    , @Folder = @FilePrefix + substring(@Dir_wrk,37,datalength(@Dir_wrk))

    -- print @FileDate

    -- print @Grootte

    -- print @Dir

    Insert into #T_Dir_info (Niveau, FileDate, Grootte, Folder )

    values (@Niveau, @FileDate, @Grootte , @Folder)

    -- Volgende rij inlezen


    INTO @Dir_wrk


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE csrDirCmd

    DEALLOCATE csrDirCmd




    declare csrDirParent cursor for

    Select Folder , Vlgnr

    from #T_Dir_info

    where Niveau = @Niveau - 1

    and grootte = (-1)

    for read only

    open csrDirParent

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrDirParent

    INTO @cmd, @VlgNr



    Set @FilePrefix = @cmd + '\'

    -- print convert(varchar(15),@Niveau) +' - ' + @FilePrefix

    set @cmd = 'dir "' + @cmd + '" /-C'

    -- print @cmd

    truncate table #T_cmdshell

    insert into #T_cmdshell

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    --27/08/2004 21:59 A10_Demo

    -- select * from #T_cmdshell

    declare csrDirCmd cursor for

    Select *

    from #T_cmdshell

    where isdate(substring(Dir,7,4) + '-' +substring(Dir,4,2) + '-' + substring(Dir,1,2) ) = 1

    and Dir not like '% .%'

    for read only

    open csrDirCmd


    INTO @Dir_wrk



    set @RijenVWK = 1

    -- print substring(@Dir_wrk,7,4) + '-' +substring(@Dir_wrk,4,2) + '-' + substring(@Dir_wrk,1,2) + substring(@Dir_wrk,12,6)+ ':00'

    -- print ltrim(replace(substring( @Dir_wrk,20,15),'.',''))

    select @FileDate = convert(datetime, substring(@Dir_wrk,7,4) + '-' + substring(@Dir_wrk,4,2) + '-' + substring(@Dir_wrk,1,2) + substring(@Dir_wrk,12,6)+ ':00')

    , @Grootte = case when @Dir_wrk like '% %' then (-1) else convert(bigint, ltrim(replace(substring( @Dir_wrk,20,16),'.',''))) end

    , @Folder = @FilePrefix + substring(@Dir_wrk,37,datalength(@Dir_wrk))

    -- print @FileDate

    -- print @Grootte

    -- print @Dir

    Insert into #T_Dir_info (Niveau, FileDate, Grootte, Folder )

    values (@Niveau, @FileDate, @Grootte , @Folder)

    Set @FileVlgNr = SCOPE_IDENTITY( )

    insert #T_Dir_info_relations (ParentVlgNr, FileVlgNr )

    values ( @VlgNr, @FileVlgNr)

    -- Volgende rij inlezen


    INTO @Dir_wrk


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE csrDirCmd

    DEALLOCATE csrDirCmd

    -- Volgende rij inlezen

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrDirParent

    INTO @cmd, @VlgNr


    CLOSE csrDirParent

    DEALLOCATE csrDirParent


    if @RijenVWK = 0


    Set @Niveau = 999999




    Set @Niveau = @Niveau + 1

    -- if @Niveau > 10

    -- begin

    -- Set @Niveau = 999999

    -- end



    -- Select *

    -- from #T_Dir_info

    -- where Niveau = 0

    if exists (

    Select count(*) as aantal_files

    , convert(decimal(15,2),


    /1024 / 1024 )

    ) as Grootte_Mb

    from #T_Dir_info

    having convert(decimal(15,2),


    /1024 / 1024 )

    ) > 9



    DECLARE @subject varchar(250)

    select @subject = 'Dringend ! ' + @@servername + ' SQLAGENT.OUT file veel ter groot [' + cast(isnull(Grootte_MB,-1) as varchar(10)) + '] MB.'

    from (Select count(*) as aantal_files

    , convert(decimal(15,2),


    /1024 / 1024 )

    ) as Grootte_MB

    from #T_Dir_info

    having convert(decimal(15,2),


    /1024 / 1024 )

    ) > 9

    ) A

    exec dbo.sp_ALZ_SQLSMTPMail @recipients ='myemailadres',

    @message = @subject,

    @subject = @subject,

    @query = '',

    @copy_recipients = null,

    @blind_copy_recipients = null,

    @width = null,

    @separator = ' ',

    @Headers = 0


    --clean up

    drop table #T_Dir_info

    drop table #T_Dir_info_relations

    drop table #T_cmdshell




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