SQL SERVER End Of Support Schedule - Where to find

  • I've got several great links/references on SQL Server Build Versions as well as whether the build is currently sported or not as well as the most current update to a build but I'm looking for a single place that lists the currently scheduled EOL for any currently supported versions + builds of SQL Server. Microsoft's Lifecycle Policy page details product support cycles but Its generalized and I'd like to get some specific dates at least for SQL Server versions & builds we know are going to be retried sooner than later.

    EXAMPLE: SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 QFE + hotfix (per Ideara's SQL Server Build Database) is supported but when is it currently set to stop being supported? BTW - I can find the answer that that specific version + Build but I'm hoping there's a site/link that has most if not all the SQL Server Versions + Builds listed so I'm not having to check for each version + build individually.


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • ms support lifecycle page might help


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