May 22, 2003 at 6:23 am
Apologies for tagging on to this thread, but I'm getting a similar error message but its being raised in the application log of our web server. We have seperate web and database servers, and the problem appears to be intermitant. The error is raised by the OLE DB provider fro SQL Server. The 2 database servers are set up in a Cluster, 3 instances of SQL Server on each server, if that makes a difference.
Any suggestions ?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
May 23, 2003 at 4:47 am
sorry if i'm wrong... i think the problem is in your MDAC driver, please try 2 install a 2.7 version u can see in
May 23, 2003 at 5:25 am
It looks like both the database server and the web server have the same versions of 2.7.
Back to the drawing board !
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
May 23, 2003 at 11:07 am
i didn't re-install anything for it to get working when it happened for me. have you tried reconfiguring the client network utility?
May 28, 2003 at 7:20 am
Well, the MDAC versions appear to be the same. Its just a really strange problem. Sporadic appearances in the web server application log saying:
The VB Application identified by the event source logged this Application Aysnchronous functions: Thread: 2008 ,logged:MsgBox: ,
Error in counter(). [DBNETLIB][connectionOpen Connect().] Sql Server does not exists or Access is denied.
This is driving me mad !
Update: I've just noticed that the default for the web server is TCP/IP, but the default for the database server is Named Pipes. Would this be causing the issues ?
Edited by - bond007 on 05/28/2003 08:13:33 AM
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
May 29, 2003 at 3:57 am
It may well be causing the problem. i managed to get mine working by creating a new alias in CLIENT NETWORK UTILITY, connecting using TCP/IP.
When I get the error, it comes up as couldn't connect to \\SQLSERVER, which would indicate it is not trying to use TCP/IP at all. Let me know if that works for you.
May 29, 2003 at 7:42 am
One thing that hasn't been mentioned. If this SQL2k server is using named instances, you will need to either use one of the 2 notations below to reference the server:
1. <Server Name>\<Instance Name> (ie MyServer\SQL01)
2. <Server Name>,<Instance port #> (ie MyServer,1433)
You can find the instance name and port number by examining the SQL Server log. This info is written out when SQL Server starts. Look for the lines:
Server name is '<MyServer>\<Instance name>'.
SQL server listening on <Server IP>,<Server Port>.
One more note. If the Host has disabled UDP port 1434 to prevent malicious attacks (SQL Slammer), you will only be able to access the server via the reference using the port #.
Hope this helps
May 29, 2003 at 8:07 am
Thanks for the responses. In response to the last 2 replies, connecting using the Client Network Utility is fine. The connection strings the developers use from their web pages reference the IP address of the Instance followed by the port number. Its just really strange that the problem is sporadic. I'm just wondering if the connection pool is filling up during high levels of usage and causing this issue, i've noticed that the developers don't explicitly close the connections in the code. My understanding is that if they close the connection, the connection is effectively returned to the pool for reuse, but if they don't, the connection is effectively kept open until the Lazy Writer does something about it (technical term!), please correct me if i'm wrong, i'm still getting to grips with how SQL Server deals with all this. Unfortunately I can't make any changes at the moment, I've just been asked to investigate and suggest possible causes. One other interesting point is that the applications which use Instances on the same server are not reporting any problems.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
June 4, 2003 at 5:24 am
read this thread:
It mentions about that being fixed in SP3a. I had SP3 installed when this problem was happening. I would try to either upgrade MDAC or SQL SP.
Hopefully this is the answer
June 4, 2003 at 5:43 am
Thats very interesting, thanks for the info. Can you tell me what the version number should be for SP3a when performing select @@version ?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
June 4, 2003 at 6:09 am
i haven't installed it yet, mine is working for now. seems to be a sporadic problem. anyone else installed it?
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