SQL Server does not exist or access denied?

  • Everyone,

    Thanks, I will look into those tools. And thanks for the suggestion

    about setting up and tearing down a DSN. I would be delighted if

    such a simple task clears out the problem.

    - Tom

  • Tom (tkc),

    Be sure to post your findings, i would be interested to know.


  • Be sure that you are NOT using named pipes from your web sserver to your database server. You want to be using TCP/IP. With TCP/IP, all you need is the SQL ID/Password combo. With named pipes, the web server has to create a secure, authenticated, pipe between the machines before SQL Server is even contacted. That means that authenticated web pages (with NT credentials) will work, but anonymous pages will not.

    You can configure this with the client network utilities on the web server, in the ODBC configuration panel for the connection, or in the connection string using the library parameter.

  • Tom has it.

    If you are using named pipes the user account makuing the connection has to have permission to start a session on the sql server, if the user is not a domain user, and there is not an nt account on the sql server with same username and password and the guest account is not enabled then an anonymous connection is not allowed.

    You will therefore have to use tcp/ip. can be configured though registry, connection string or using sql client network utility

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • No it is not that simple !

    This thread is handling complaints that are beyond the level of using tcp-ip and client utility manager.

    Complaints that aren't explainable even and to me, are considered a bug in MS SQL server.

    Some old values that get stuck in the registry and prevent users to connect succesfully.

    Anyway, thanks for the contribution,

    regards, deejay

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