SQL SERVER Connectivity Problem

  • Hi All,

    I am facing some problem on my test server. It is like this

    As per said by my senior network admin when ever we start database or its services we are able to connect to that perticular database as we are having many databases on that server.But after 2 or 3 days we are unable to connect it from front end but we are able to connect it from backend.I asked my n/w admin and he told me to see error log files and he will see the system log files.

    I have not seen error log files till now, I know where it is, but can any one tell me or give me the link to see what is written and understan that.

    Can any one give me the solution for above error message.

    Waiting for your repplies.

    Thanks in advance,

    Syed Sanaullah Khadri


  • What do you mean by backend and frontend? Do you mean that backend is the server itself and the front ends are the other computers? Do you use Enterprise Manager to access the database or a client program using the database? Is there any error message on the Enterprise Manager when you want to connect to the server?

    To understand the log content of the SQL Server just looks at BOL.

    Ivan Budiono

  • Hi,

    Backend means Query Analyser and Front end means Application.

    We are able to connect from any system any where just we need to pass the details.But some times after restarting the server (as it is test server) after 2 to 3 days we are unable to connect from the application(frontend) its is giving database connectivity error.

  • Does the application shows the error message or the exception message clearly, such as: unable to find host or invalid login id/password or access denied for database ....?

    Try to run Query Analyzer from the same computer as the application. Are you using Windows Authentication or SQL Server login to connect to the server (both for QueryAnalyzer and Application)? Check against the setting in the server. Finally check for the logs in the Sql Server as well.

    Ivan Budiono

  • Hi,

    Now see i have connected from my system using querry analyser to that server and its working fine but when i am connecting from that server using query analyser i am getting this error

    Unable to connect to server

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL SERVER DRIVER] [TCP/IP Sockets]

    SQL SERVER Does not exists or access denied.

    On this server we have sql server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.

  • Hi,

    Is there any one who can help me to solve this issue.

    Please i am in need............

  • Are you trying to connect using IP or Servername while you are on server Query analyzer?

    Have you gone thru this link:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306865


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