SQL Server Collation Questions

  • Hello, can someone explain Server collation vs Database collation and is there any impact if they are different? Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • From BOL:

    SQL Server 2005 collations can be specified at any level. When you install an instance of SQL Server 2005, you specify the default collation for that instance. Each time that you create a database, you can specify the default collation used for the database. If you do not specify a collation, the default collation for the database is the default collation for the instance. Whenever you define a character column, variable, or parameter, you can specify the collation of the object. If you do not specify a collation, the object is created by using the default collation of the database.


    The Redneck DBA

  • Does anyone know of any issues if tempdb and your user db's collations don't match?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi David,

    Wouldn't describe it as a real issue, but obviously you would have to use COLLATE when joining string data in temp tables with string data in user DBs.

    Andreas Goldman

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