SQL Server Clustering Questions

  • Hi,

    Can someone provide few important interview questions on clustering with answers?

    Rajesh Kasturi

  • 1.What is clustering?

    2.How many IP addresses are required to configure a 2 node cluster?

    3.What are the requirements to install a SQL server cluster?

    these are some questions that I would ask in an interview for a start!!

    good luck with the answers!!

  • Hi Raj

    1) What is cluster service ?

    2) What is quorum ?

    3)What are types of quorum ?

    4) What you means private and public network ?

    5) What is difference between install SQL server 2005 and SQL server 2008

    6) What is difference between the troubleshooting in SQL server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 while installation .

    7) How is internal behavior of SQL server 2005 and SQl server 2008

    8)What is means of Virtual IP Address and Virtual Name

    9) Max number of instance instance in SQL server 2005 and 2008

    10) Service pack applying in SQl server 2005 and 2008

    11)How internal structure of Quorum?

    12)Why is means by MSDTC and It is mandatory for sql server 2005 and 2008

    13)How you validating the SQL Cluster ?

    14) If your cluadmin is not working then how you validating the whether your resources are online or not

    15) What means by prepared owner and possible owner ?

    16) What are ip address required when you installing 3 node cluster with 2 instance

  • Shouldn't you be actually gaining the required knowledge rather than brain dumping a few answers. No doubt if you do manage to land the role any support you require will be gained form this site and others like it :Whistling:

    If you really want to under clusters and SQL Server, follow my guide at these links for more info





    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi

    Recently I was asked lots of questions on SQL Failover Clustering.

    Like :

    1. What is the difference between Active/Active , Active/Passive Clustering.

    2. What are the main things to be considered while setting up a Failover Clustering.

    3. Give a real life scenario when you had a problem/issue with Failover Clustering and how did you tackle it.

    4. What is your best achievement on administering Failover Clustering in your DBA life.

    Prepare to give them the real life example that you had faced before. If you have already forgotten it , this will be the time to practice again. It is not very difficult to setup and practice this High Availability on a local VM Machine. I would encourage you to be more practical and test it on some test VM pcs.

    Hope this will help..

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