SQL Server Chestnuts - FTP

  • Any opinions on the best way to achieve two-way ftp transfers from within a Stored Proc?

    DTS is of no use as it only goes one way

    We have used the 'build a batch file to use the built-in ftp, then execute it with xp_cmdshell' but it's a bit messy

    Has anyone used a CLI bcp tool? I've found one by CatFood Software that I'm considering using as it does it all in one go...

    Any suggestions / comments / discussions appreciated.

  • Leon and I were just discussing a project where we need to do something similar. Batch file is certainly one option. Other than that, if you know VB you could put something together using either Winsock or the WinInet dll - more work than a batch file.

    If anyone knows of a free COM ftp object, that would be perfect!


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