SQL Server Best Practices to develop a standard base for all sql servers. Suggestions please!

  • Have a general question what setting/s would a dba hold true to implement on all servers touched? i.e Auto Grow always on. I know this is a very vauge but Im looking to develop a standard base for all sql servers for our company.

  • I am trying to answer here but IMO each server needs attention & needs to be configured per business needs.

    Few Recommendations:

    •Please don’t touch Advanced Options unless & until absolutely necessary.

    •you can set few options like ‘Remote*’.

    For More: Setting Server Configuration Options


  • oweston (12/7/2011)

    Have a general question what setting/s would a dba hold true to implement on all servers touched? i.e Auto Grow always on. I know this is a very vauge but Im looking to develop a standard base for all sql servers for our company.

    I'm basically with Dev on this one. This is like asking me "So, what do you like in a girl?" Um, depends on the girl?

    Default settings these days are pretty much solid, though I'd usually muck with the autogrowth values. How much? Depends on database, server, volume... etc. Do you pre-grow or wait? Do you...

    It's about a million one-off questions. Stick with the defaults, explain necessary exceptions for your environment from there.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • "So, what do you like in a girl?" Um, depends on the girl?

    :w00t: Your questions are more difficult Craig... :hehe:

  • The other setting that must be changed is the server max memory. 2TB is ridiculous and asking for trouble unless you have a server with more than 2TB of memory.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • im trying to put a list together as well to get my documentation up and running.

    Trying not to change anything major, but put in a few basic settings that are good have up and running. Hoping to end up with a powershell script, or tsql script that does most of it for me.. then i can know things are as they should be before i start!

    I have things like:

    Change error log files to recycle at 999

    Set up DBMail

    Set Max/Min memory

    change model to simple (our shop doesnt need log backups for most dbs might not be same for everyone) changed file sizes and growth settings

    install WhoIsActive (http://sqlblog.com/blogs/adam_machanic/archive/tags/who+is+active/default.aspx)

    install the ola scripts for backups, indexing and checkdb (http://ola.hallengren.com/)

    install log parser (playing with this at the moment and had it suggested its handy to have around) (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=24659)

    Theres more that i cant think of at the moment (wrote it all down on a piece paper and lost it after my first major build ;;). I used the SQL Server in Action book from Manning as a source and Brent Ozar has a list as well which should be easy to find.. brings in things like setting up auto notification for severity levels and all that good stuff.

  • I understand that it depends but just looking for an overview of thoughts at a high level that will hold true to multiple databases. Looking to establish Policys for this.

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