SQL Server and Workgroups

  • I have a problem.  I am using the xp_dirtree command to get a list of files from our ftp server.  I am doing this because there could be 0 files, 1 file or many files so I then get the first file and then move it to import it.  I am running a sp that has this command and if it returns any files it calls a second dts package to import the file.  This works great except that the ftp server is in a dmz and a workgroup.  I have set up a user that mirrors the user sql is using to run the SQL agent and the xp_dirtree command gets a list of files for a period of time.  Then it wil return an empty list which it shouldn't so I check the command on the server and it returns nothing.  I run xp_cmdshell against the workgroup directory and it get access denied.  It is as if the workgroup is losing the security settings and blocking the sql server.  I have tried adding the user to the local administrators group does exactly the same.  I have created a share giving full access to the account and the same happens.  later in the day it will start to allow the user access to the  directory again.   I can't see why it keeps dropping the security and gives access denied.  Any ideas!!


    Andrew Barton

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  • Try talking to the security/firewall guys..?


  • I have spoken to our network guys and they can't shed any light on it either.  The workgroup is a windows 2000 advanced server and the SQL server is on a 2003 server box but this should cause a problem as far as I am aware.  I will re-write my DTS as an active x and stop using xp_dirtree and see if that solves the problem as it will be directly accessing the ftp directory through Scripting.FileSystemObject.


  • Well, good luck

    This seems to be a security context issue and/or firewall blocking.. Make sure you keep track on each step and what account that each operation is executing under, that might help finding the problem...


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