SQL Server Agent - SSIS Package Fail as the connection cannot be seen by the Agent

  • tengo un caso parecido, favor pediría su apoyo , en un ambiente productivo tengo instalado sql server 2016, atunnity 4.0, el proyecto que enviaron de desarrollo y se subió al ambiente productivo, este proyecto se conecta a un servidor de oracle, al validar desde el integration service catalog muestra el siguiente error:

    Error: Cannot find the connection manager with ID "{77B6773F-33D0-4C99-98BA-353C6A9E38C4}" in the connection manager collection due to error code 0xC0010009. That connection manager is needed by "Oracle Destination.Connections[MSOraConnection]" in the connection manager collection of "Oracle Destination". Verify that a connection manager in the connection manager collection, Connections, has been created with that ID.


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