sql server agent does not show up on sql2008 database

  • I just got permissions to view a corporate db and in a classic case of "it works here", a coworker can see the sql server agent on their connection, but I can't. And of course, I do want to see it when there's an error running a job. Since I work remotely, it would be nice to have a solution ready by the time everyone else walked in.

    Is this because I don't have permission to view it? Or is it something I need to set up myself? We're on SQL2008-R2.

  • You need to ask your DBA to provide you SQLagent user and SQLAgentReader role in MSDB database. then you will be able to see the agent in the management studio.


  • chandan_jha18 (7/29/2011)

    You need to ask your DBA to provide you SQLagent user and SQLAgentReader role in MSDB database. then you will be able to see the agent in the management studio.


    Okay - I'll try. Thanks! I work remotely so I have to wait for someone to come in but I'll let you know if it works.

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