SQL Server Agent auto restart feature

  • All properties in SQL 2000 & agent have been set to auto restart if SQL 2000 is shutdown. SQL Server agent is not restarting. It can be manually started. Have numerous jobs assigned to 2 different servers and need to have this auto restart. Both have Win2k and are recently upgraded databases from 6.5. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Sometimes the SQL Agent doesn't restart because it checks the status of the MSSQLServer service and it may not have started when it makes its attempt to start.

    Try going to the services (via the control panel/Administrative Tools) and set the SQLServerAgent service recovery options with the following:

    First failure: restart service after 2 minutes.

    You can repeat for the second and third attempts.

    Also find out what may be delaying the startup of the MSSQLService.

  • Tried setting up the service as described, but it is still not working. Will research why it's delaying maybe I'll find more information that way. Thanks.

  • In EM, the properties for SQLAgnet include a "restart SQL Agent" if stoppped. Try that.

    Steve Jones


  • That is already checked as well, both under the properties for the SQL Agent and SQL Server.

  • Does anybody have other thoughts on this one. The auto restart works fine if the server itself is rebooted. But if SQLServer is stopped & restarted, the SQLServerAgent does not start back up.

  • I noticed this too. I think this is an MS bug with the system. It seems that it will only restart SQLAgnet if then service fails for some reason, not if SQL is restarted.

    Steve Jones


  • Thanks for your help. That's kinda what I was afraid of. I'll just keep a mental note to restart if the SQL server is taken down. Hopefully SP2 is coming out soon.

  • I wouldnt expect it to change in sp2. The problem becomes, how would SQL "know" that starting the agent was the right thing to do? If you had just stopped it to make a change or whatever and wanted it to start, sure. But what if you had it disabled on purpose...so that jobs didnt run? That's just my guess. I'll agree its a pain!


  • If you stop a service (e.g. MSSQLServer), all dependent services (here SQLServerAgent) are stopped also.

    When you start a service no dependent services are started.

    You can avoid this by using the "Restart" option in the Services Applet (W2K only).

    The feature to automatically restart the SQLServerAgent is executed by the MSSQLServer service und is executed only if SQLServerAgent stopped UNEXPECTEDLY

    (which is not the case if you stop MSSLserver intentionally and SQLServerAgent is stopped also in this process).

    I myself have a batch Script scheduled to run before Maintenance Operations

    (e.g. before nightly backups) in the at (Schedule) Service which runs QSVC.EXE

    to inquire service state and NETSVC.EXE to start the service if necessary.

    You need QSVC.EXE, SLEEP.EXE and NETSVC.EXE from ResKit in %windir%\Commands to run the batch:

    @echo OFF

    set $$Server=%COMPUTERNAME%

    set $$Service=SQLServerAgent

    set $$Recipients=YourOperatorEmailAddress

    if NOT "%1x" == "x" set $$Server=%1

    if NOT "%2x" == "x" set $$Service=%2

    if NOT "%3x" == "x" set $$Recipients=%3

    if "%1x" == "x" set $$Server=%COMPUTERNAME%

    %WinDir%\Commands\QSVC.EXE \\%$$Server% %$$Service%

    if ERRORLEVEL 11 goto unknown

    if ERRORLEVEL 10 goto error

    if ERRORLEVEL 7 goto paused

    if ERRORLEVEL 6 goto pausedpending

    if ERRORLEVEL 5 goto continuepending

    if ERRORLEVEL 4 goto alive

    if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto stoppending

    if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto startpending

    if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto stopped

    if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto nostatus

    %WinDir%\Commands\QSVC.EXE \\%$$Server% %$$Service%

    isql -S%$$Server% -E -Q"EXEC master.dbo.sp__servicstate '%$$Recipients%',%ERRORLEVEL%"

    goto exit


    rem isql -S%$$Server% -E -Q"EXEC master.dbo.sp__servicealive '%$$Recipients%'"

    goto exit











    isql -S%$$Server% -E -Q"EXEC master.dbo.sp__servicedead '%$$Recipients%'"

    %WinDir%\Commands\NETSVC.EXE %$$Service% \\%$$Server% /continue

    %WinDir%\Commands\SLEEP.EXE 10

    %WinDir%\Commands\NETSVC.EXE %$$Service% \\%$$Server% /start

    %WinDir%\Commands\SLEEP.EXE 10

    %WinDir%\Commands\QSVC.EXE \\%$$Server% %$$Service%

    rem isql -S%$$Server% -E -Q"EXEC master.dbo.sp__servicestate '%$$Recipients%',%ERRORLEVEL%"

    goto exit


    set $$Recipients=

    set $$Service=

    set $$Server=

    @echo ON

  • Nice script. Mind posting this to our "scripts" section?

    Steve Jones


  • I have seen this before and it could be due to mail client weirdness. And those errors do show up in the SQL Agent log. Take a look...

  • There is a bug introduced in SQL2000 SP1 described in KB article Q302892.

    If you have an Operator in SQL Agent that uses more than one email account, any notification for an alert or job can cause the SQLSERVERAGENT service to stop.

    Workaround is to use email group on your exchange server or install SP2.

    It is very difficult to reproduce.

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