SQL server accessed as file system?

  • Hello all, I was wondering if there was any way to specify a path to SQL server table or DB like a regular path i.e. "C:\folder\path.txt"

    I need this to specify where my records will be goin to and some pulling from, thanks in advance.


  • What are you trying to accomplish with this?

    You can't really address the databases and tables residing inside the database management system as though they were other computing objects, like files, unless you write some sort of mapping application between the two.  The objects inside a database management system may be scattered over several different files on several different drives.  Only the DBMS knows where they are and how to put them together in a meaningful way.

    Some older systems, like DBase, that used the one-table-per-file idea might be used this way, but even then, the internal structure was known only to the application that used the DBase API, so addressing the files in any other way would not have been productive.


    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Well I am using it in VB6 code to open a recordset. I am doing so using a DAO reference(I know dead technology, but I think I can make it work).

    I am thinking something along these lines:

    dim connect as PrivDBEngine

    dim db as dao.database

    newdb = connect.OpenDatabase(***This is where I want to put the SQL address string***)

    'Do code here

    I am using vb6 code that I have semi-converted to VB.NET

    Hope that helps

  • You could try this Zach - just replace the variables with literals for testing, some security issues with the code (you need a password in plain text somewhere, I just have a low privilege user for these connections),but it's flexible and it works.

    Function Get_Connection() As ADODB.Connection

        Dim Cn As New ADODB.Connection

        Dim CS As String


        '''On Error Resume Next


        CS = Get_Connection_String(frmSetup.cboServerType.ListIndex, frmSetup.txtServerName.Text, frmSetup.txtUserID.Text, frmSetup.txtPassword.Text, frmSetup.txtDatabaseName.Text)

        Cn.ConnectionTimeout = 5

        If CS = "OFFLINE" Then



            Cn.Open CS

        ''Msgbox CN.State

        End If


        Set Get_Connection = Cn

    End Function


    Here's an example where I'm using the ADO connection to retrieve a list of stored procedures :


    Sub Get_ProcedureList()

    On Error GoTo 1

        Dim cmd As New ADODB.Connection

        Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset


        If Not frmSetup.cboDataSource.ListIndex >= 0 Then Exit Sub




        Select Case frmSetup.cboDataSource.List(frmSetup.cboDataSource.ListIndex, 1)


            Case "SQL_Server"  ' SQL Server

                    cmd.Open Get_Connection_String(frmSetup.cboServerType.ListIndex, frmSetup.txtServerName.Text, frmSetup.txtUserID.Text, frmSetup.txtPassword.Text, frmSetup.txtDatabaseName.Text)

                    Set rs = cmd.Execute("SELECT o.name FROM dbo.sysobjects o where (OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsProcedure') = 1 or OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsExtendedProc') = 1 or OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsReplProc') = 1) and o.name not like N'#%%' and OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsMSShipped') = 0 order by o.name")


                        Do While Not rs.EOF


                            frmSetup.cmbProcList.AddItem rs(0)











  • I think this maybe what I need to do, but I do not see where the Get_Connection_String() function came from.

    Please elaborate on your code a little. I think if I can convert it  to VB.Net then it will definitely of some use to me, thanks for your help.

    Also, what are your text boxes holding(excuse my ignorance), I am little confused on what to put in my line:

    Dim connect As New dao.PrivDBEngine


    newdb As dao.Database

    newdb = connect.OpenDatabase( <-----here is my problem----> )



  • Ok I had to re-work my structure but I got it, thanks all

  • Using VB 6

    In Project References include:

    Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library

    Input the following code in the form open sub

    Dim Cnn_String as String 

        Set objMSDAC = New MSDASC.DataLinks

        Cnn_String = objMSDAC.PromptNew


        Cnn.ConnectionString = Cnn_String

    Run it and either set a break point or print out the Cnn_String.

    If you are familiar with VB.Net you will immediately recognize what the wizard displays when constructing a connection string.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Sorry Zach - I wasn't entirely clear when I said switch variables for literals, all Get Connection String does is populate the connection string from another form (giving you a dynamic connection based on form input), but I guess you've got that sorted now. Just send me a message if you want more code....


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