January 7, 2005 at 1:39 pm
I am learning about all the information I can get from sysperfinfo and find it a very useful to set up some robust monitoring.
However, I am getting some strange results. Can anyone explain whY i get these values (which do not match performance monitor)
SQLServer:SQL Statistics Batch Requests/sec 26488.0
SQLServer:SQL Statistics SQL Compilations/sec 31162.0
SQLServer:Buffer Manager Checkpoint pages/sec 470649.0
SQLServer:Access Methods Page Splits/sec 512756.0
SQLServer:Access Methods Full Scans/sec 8561.0
SQLServer:Buffer Manager Lazy writes/sec 329943.0
These values seem way off base. In addition, This particular DB Server wouldn't be writing a lot of stuff....it would write some trace data (would that explain the numbers?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated in my search for answers!
January 7, 2005 at 1:44 pm
I think I found my own answer.
Its a Microsoft bug. Does anyone have a good work around to get these values reflected properly?
See MS Article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;555064
January 7, 2005 at 2:20 pm
Not sure if there is a more elegant solution, but here is my solution. I gather perfcounters every 10 minutes from my 25 production servers and store them in a non production box for analysis. In the table that I collect all the counters, I put a column for the time the results were inserted and a column for the last time the sql had restarted, since the counters reset each time sql restarts.
To figure out the accurate counter/sec value not the raw count you just need to do some math. Use any two columns to figure out the counter/sec value for that time period by using a formula like this:
(counterValueRow 2 - counterValueRow1) /(DATEDIFF(ss,TimeInsertedRow2, TimeInsertedRow1) )
The closer the two dates are, the closer you can get to a real time counter. If you do something like trans/sec over a 2 day period, it will be difficult to truly know what your trans/sec were at any given moment. Hope this helps.
January 12, 2005 at 1:50 pm
Very nice.
I just updated the pe nformance counters as I inserted them so that they would already have the correct value.
To get server uptime, I just used tempdb creation date/time. Is that the best way for this information?
SELECT @UptimeSeconds = DATEDIFF(ss, crdate, getdate()) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = 'TempDB'
Does everyone agree that this will reflect an accurate value?
Thanks again.
January 12, 2005 at 3:18 pm
I use use the login_time from sysprocesses for spid 1 to get the restart time. Either should work though. The only thing that may or may not affect you is that the two result in slightly different times. In my test box here are the results
SELECT crdate FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name = 'tempdb'
-- 2005-01-10 16:14:59.890
SELECT login_time FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = 1
-- 2005-01-10 16:15:09.820
So the question is, does 10 seconds really matter to your collection?
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