SQL server 7 vs 2000?

  • Hi all;

    I am new to SQL server. I have worked in Oracle 8/8i before. Wanted to know how SQL server 7.0 is different from SQL Server 2000?

    Also does anybody know a good site where I can read about the basics of SQL Server 7.0?

    I tried google search, but did not come up with anything useful.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • There is a list of things called "What's New in SQL Server 2000" in the Microsoft publication "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Introduction". If you look at the 2000 enhancements "What's New" list, 7.0 does NOT have them. XML integation of relational data, multiple instances of SQL Server on a single CPU, and other things are among them.

  • Thanks! But I am actually looking to learn more about SQL server 7.0. For e.g clustering, triggers etc. What kind of questions could they ask on SQL server 7 test?


  • you can have a look in this article :


    I learned a lot of thing with this article.

    One thing that is missing on sql server 7 : function; there is only procedure.

    Michael Cohen

    egencia France

  • Best place to look to learn more about SQL server 7.0. For e.g clustering, triggers etc is the SQL Server Books 7.0 Online at this point. You may be able to download just the Books Online if you choose to. What kind of a test are you referring to ? Job Interview or the Certification ? If for certification you may be better off taking SQL 2K test..

    Good Luck

  • Hey indy500... (you must be a race fan like myself). I just started working with SQL Server 7.0 about one year ago and for me, the fastest and best way to learn the product is to read the book SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 in 21 Days. I had very little previous database experience and this book has proven invaluable to me. Even the most novice newbie can understand it, let alone someone like yourself with prior Db admn experience. I ordered a used copy through Amazon.com for less than $20.00. Give it a try. It is money well spent.

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