SQL Server 2022 on Azure VM

  • I was provisioned  this DB on an Azure VM. I needed to uninstall and reinstall it in order to set the proper collation. I dont know how it was originally setup or if it  goes by another namelike "Managed SQL Instance" as another department handles setting these up.

    When they learned of my uninstall/reinstall they said the server would likely need to be blown away and redone since:

    "In SQL Server on Azure VM's, SQL is installed by Microsoft along with all the extensions and management; removing SQL removes all those feature and makes theVM and SQL not supportable."

    I removed only the SQL Server 2022 application. Would there have been some other applications removed or an orphaning of the new instance with an uninstall like this?


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  • To a very large degree, a VM is a VM. If it's running locally, Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, doesn't matter. Yes, there are SQL Server configured VMs to pull from. Yes, they include installing stuff like SSMS. Can you go in to that VM and uninstall and reinstall SQL Server? Well, can you if you were running the VM locally? Yes? Same thing in Azure. Of course you can.

    Now, that said, let's say your organization, by default, chooses to run the Azure image of SQL Server VMs across the estate. Those all come with default values assigned at creation, so they're standard. You uninstalling SQL Server, and then reinstalling it with different values means that you've introduced deviation to the standards within your org. That's not necessarily a showstopper, but it's a pain. I'd avoid it.

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    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • If it is an Azure SQLVM, I would prefer my Azure provider/facilitator to drop the Azure SQLVM and provide you an Azure SQLVM that matches your specs.



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