SQL Server 2012 on VM in Windows Azure

  • Hi

    I have two questions. I had a virtual server provisioned for me with SQL Server 2012 installed. This VM resides in Windows Azure. I have tried to sign into the database engine via SSMS using Windows Authentication. A domain name is used but I get an error message that states my login failed. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456). Is there a way that I can work around this using powershell (ex: change to mixed mode, create a local account and then login?)

    The second question is I need the default instance of my database engine(the same engine above) to be a certain name for a 3rd party software can anyone give me any sites or ideas how I can do this?



  • 1. Is the server set up to 'Mixed mode' & do you know the 'sa' password?. Then , When you login thru SSMS , on the Authentication drop down select 'SQL Server Authentication' instead of 'Windows Authentication', provide the 'sa' account credentials.

    If the server is not set up in 'Mixed mode', Login into the actual SQL Server and find the id that the SQL Server Service runs on thru 'SQL Server Configuration Manager'. Login with that id and make required changes (http://www.soheib.com/technical-knowledge/how-to-change-server-authentication-mode-in-sql-server/)

    2. To change the SQL instance name - http://sqldbpool.com/2008/09/03/how-to-change-sql-server-instance-name/

  • When the network admin provisions the sql server it defaults to Windows Authentication and the sa account is disabled. I sign into the sql server using remote desktop with domain\username. I am an admin on this sql server. I try and connect to the database engine using ssms, using Windows Authentication(because this is the default) and I get the 18456 message above.

  • I was able to get into the database engine by having the Network admin spin up the sql server by using a local username and password.

    Now I have to figure out the ramifications of changing the default instance to a named instance after the install. I want to see if this works first before having to install another sql server. In windows azure the Network Admin can spin a sql server up and chose the sql server edition s/he wants. I don't know yet if s/he can create a named instance at that point. I know the default instance assumes the name of the server. Does anyone know how I can get a named instance in the cloud?



  • Please refer to response posted earlier

    2. To change the SQL instance name - http://sqldbpool.com/2008/09/03/how-to-change-sql-server-instance-name/

  • I tried to rename the instance as #2 but didn't work. I would feel better installing an instance vs a rename--so I've decided to getting an ISO in the cloud to install SQL Server 2012.

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