SQL Server 2012 (Not Express) - Cannot Edit Maintenance Plan

  • Hi there,

    We're running SQL Server 2012 (SP 4) build 11.0.7001.0.  SSMS is running from the "110" folder, if that helps.  The OS is Server 2016 Standard, running RDS.  I've tried to recreate the error message I received, but it is no longer coming up (despite *not* hitting "do not show this message in the future" button).  The error message I received when trying to modify/edit the maintenance plan was similar to the error message as portrayed in this post:

    Yes, I realize this is for a newer version (12.0, not 11.0), but this was the closest match I could find to the error message at the time...

    That being said, I followed the instructions (including ignoring the log file) and found the paths mentioned.  Neither of the folders contain any "weirdly named" folders nor do they contain the referenced "ssms.exe.config" file.  My guess is that there are no non-standard extensions that have been installed.

    I can tell that "MS VS 2010 Shell (Isolated)" & "MS VS 2010 Prerequisites - English" have been installed, but those might not have anything to do with this.

    I can get a "Maintenance Plan Wizard" to show, but there is seemingly no response from selecting "New Maintenance Plan..." or "Modify" (on the existing one).

    The only reason I even encountered this was that I wanted to verify the number of days it was set to keep backups (thought I'd set it to one month), but it seemed to be keeping too many.  Today is right about the threshold where it should start deleting the old .bak files, so I might have jumped the gun a little bit, but the error message and (now) not even responding is concerning to me.  I can "View History".

    Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide.

    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio                        11.0.7001.0
    Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)                        10.0.14393.0
    Microsoft MSXML                        3.0 6.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer                        9.11.14393.0
    Microsoft .NET Framework                        4.0.30319.42000
    Operating System                        6.3.14393

  • RMason - eLIMBS, LLC - Thursday, February 1, 2018 7:19 AM

    Hi there,

    We're running SQL Server 2012 (SP 4) build 11.0.7001.0.  SSMS is running from the "110" folder, if that helps.  The OS is Server 2016 Standard, running RDS.  I've tried to recreate the error message I received, but it is no longer coming up (despite *not* hitting "do not show this message in the future" button).  The error message I received when trying to modify/edit the maintenance plan was similar to the error message as portrayed in this post:

    Yes, I realize this is for a newer version (12.0, not 11.0), but this was the closest match I could find to the error message at the time...

    That being said, I followed the instructions (including ignoring the log file) and found the paths mentioned.  Neither of the folders contain any "weirdly named" folders nor do they contain the referenced "ssms.exe.config" file.  My guess is that there are no non-standard extensions that have been installed.

    I can tell that "MS VS 2010 Shell (Isolated)" & "MS VS 2010 Prerequisites - English" have been installed, but those might not have anything to do with this.

    I can get a "Maintenance Plan Wizard" to show, but there is seemingly no response from selecting "New Maintenance Plan..." or "Modify" (on the existing one).

    The only reason I even encountered this was that I wanted to verify the number of days it was set to keep backups (thought I'd set it to one month), but it seemed to be keeping too many.  Today is right about the threshold where it should start deleting the old .bak files, so I might have jumped the gun a little bit, but the error message and (now) not even responding is concerning to me.  I can "View History".

    Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide.

    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio                        11.0.7001.0
    Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)                        10.0.14393.0
    Microsoft MSXML                        3.0 6.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer                        9.11.14393.0
    Microsoft .NET Framework                        4.0.30319.42000
    Operating System                        6.3.14393

    Did you double check to make sure you installed Management Tools - Complete (instead of Management Tools - Basic) 
    Do you the same errors in that link you posted about packages failing to load? If so, which packages?
    Have you tried a new version of SSMS?


  • Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my question.  I am sorry for the delayed response.  I had to leave town for an industry convention, and was not checking my emails for several days.  I am just now about caught back up.

    Did you double check to make sure you installed Management Tools - Complete (instead of Management Tools - Basic)

    I'm not really sure how to tell if the version of Management Tools installed was "Complete" or "Basic".  Based on (again, an older version) this post on M$'s website, and looking at the available options within my SMS's Obect Explorer, it appears that I have "Complete", but I'm not sure if there's another way to tell...

    Do you the same errors in that link you posted about packages failing to load? If so, which packages?

    I only have one "package" or "maintenance plan".  The "DailyBackup" one listed (partially redacted) in the screenshot above.  As mentioned previously, I am not 100% sure what the error message was.  It no longer appears, but it was very similar (at least) to the one in the link from my original post.  Also, per the same thread, I did not bother looking at the log file, as I was told it would be both huge and pointless.

    Have you tried a new version of SSMS?

    IT Administration for this client's server is handheld by a third-party group, and I do not have authorization to request that they install a new version of software (as is the case with many groups, they charge by the hour), just for me to double-check a job that is actually working (see original post, where I start with "The only reason"), I just can't open it up to look at it...  I have since verified that the "purge" of old backups is working correctly, but was troubled by the error message, the inability to view/edit the plan, and the (now) lack of subsequent error messages...

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